Piano Teacher Needed

Start from the beginning

She seemed busy tending to her flowers but I had to know for sure if this was the right place of course...

"Excuse me mam, is this where the job listing for a piano teacher is located?" I asked politely to the woman but my voice kind of faltered in the end because of my nervousness. Her head shot up and looked to where I was at and beamed a smile towards me. Even for an older lady, her smile seemed brighter than my future....

"Oh yes, yes it is!" she said rather excitedly. The woman carefully put down a flower pot she was holding and rushed to me with much enthusiasm in her voice that it kind of startled me a bit.

"My my, you are quite beautiful are you? And so young! Out of the people who came, you seem like a breath of fresh air!"

Well that confirms that I wasn't the first one here but does that mean I still have a chance? She wasn't dismissing me.....yet at least."

"I....I-I'm not beau-"

She quickly gave me a comforting pat on my shoulders and stared at my face for a closer inspection. "Now dear, don't be so nervous or modest when you look so so lovely sweetie! As a mother, I would treasure having someone like you as a daughter....maybe you should become friends with my own!"

The singsongness of her voice sounded soothing to my ears but maybe it was because she reminded me of my own mother. That's something I notice about Asian mothers of basically all nationalities: Praise, praise, praise. Either that or scold, scold, scold...pick your poison with your grades! Anyway, they're almost always like this when they meet kids and even young adults like me. Next thing is she'll probably want me to ea-

"Would you like to eat? We have many varieties of food if you are hungry!"


"I-it's okay mam! I actually jus-"

"No eat first! Eat! Now come!" the stern voice of a mother.....oh god.

She took my hand and practically dragged me towards the front door as I lifelessly knew I couldn't resist a mother bent on feeding someone...am I a baby bird now?

Just when we were about to enter it, a small teenager shot her head out with a look of curiosity in her rather large puppy like eyes....almost like a real life anime character.

"Yo Ma, do you know wher-...oh....waddup yo!" her face froze on me as the mother kept dragging me towards the door.

Long silver-ish hair with slightly lavender tips, petite in height (imagine 4 large pizzas stacked on top of each other length wise) and width (maybe 1 and 1/3rd of a pizza.......mmmm pizza), the word adorable would even envy how cute she looked. I waved at her and slightly bowed causing her to do the same, not expecting the smol (very smol) teen to greet me so casually and laid back. Considering it was a rich neighborhood, I expected a snobbish arsehole of a teen like in the movies that spoke in a condescending tone while looking down on me but nope.

"....hi?" I uttered...maybe a little too quiet.

An adorable smile broke her face, curious as she gestured for me to come forward.

"Are you here for the job listing sis?"

Sis? Smol teen is already lovable munchkin.

The mother kept dragging me towards her until I was finally in front where she kept both her hands on my shoulder as if showcasing me. "Nyaaaako dear, please give this beautiful young lady something to eat." She then started to pinch my face as I was unsure of what to do or think next. "Just look at these cute cheeks, you can tell that she loves to eat! I know she can fit 5 takoyaki in these."

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