Getting ready

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Once we get back to the house. I go into the house to see Jesse and Leon sitting at the table.

Hey guys what are your plans for today? I ask them as I get a glass of water.

Nothing really big just designing the car from the computer. Jesse says.

You have that's date tonight with Dom right? Leon asks

I do. I say with a smile

Do you two know what he's got planned? Mia asks

No I don't. Leon says as Jessie shakes he's head no

Even if we did know didn't Dom say it was a surprise? So why would we spill? Jessie says.

She had to try. I say with a smile as Vince walks into the kitchen.

What are you guys talking about? Vince asks

Nothing really. I say as I put my glass down in the sink before Mia turns to me.

I still really like the sixth outfit you tried on. Mia says.

I know but I think the outfit we choice will be perfect for tonight it's not to dressy but not undress ya know. I say with a smile.

I think Dom will love it. She says.

Dom love everything she wears. Letty says

Ok enough. I'm going to work on the charge. If you need me come get me. I say walking to the garage. After a few hours of work Mia comes into the garage.

Hey, It's nearly time for you date. Mia says as I get up

What time is it exactly.

It's seven. Mia says looking at her watch.

Ok I have exactly one hour I better head home. I say getting up and walking home

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2020 ⏰

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