Chapter 28

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AN: This is the last chapter!

They were arguing. Sophia had found his cigarettes. There was shouting, and they were in the common room so everyone could hear. Sophia eventually waves her hands around and storms out of the room.

Sirius looks around and sighs, dragging his hand down his face. He walks after her. James, against his better judgment, left them alone for awhile. When they didn't return for some time, James stood.

"Okay! I'm going to find them," James says. The others nod and stand as well. They walk out of the common room and immediately stop. There, on the floor is the missing couple. Sleeping. Sirius was leaned against the wall with Sophia in between his legs, laying on his chest. He was holding her close.

James knew then, that they would make it. They would fight through hell to be with each other. Lily, who was standing in front of James, reaches back and takes his hand. James' small smile grows and he rubs his humb over her knuckles.

Their future was as unclear as ever, but he knew that if nothing else they would face the unknown together. They could do this. This was certain.

AN: That's it! would just like to thank all of you for sticking with my awful writing and supporting me. I'm so glad that you guys like this. Please feel free to read any of my other stories. Love y'all! Byyyyeee

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