Chapter 13

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        "What do I do?" I ask Remus. We were all at the Black Lake while Sophia and James had decided to stay behind, leaving me free to ask Remus about what I should do about Sophia.

"Pads. Just ask her out. Forget all your pointless shags, no more flirting with other girls. Just start by inviting her to the dance coming up," Remus sighs.

"You're a genius, Moony!" I exclaim. Remus rolls his eyes and continues to read his book.

"Need help?" Marlene asks. I look over in confusion. "With asking her to the dance."

"I suppose, yeah," I say. They're her best friends, they should know how to get her to say yes.

"We have a few ideas," Alice says, grinning along with Marlene and Lily.

**Sophia's POV**

The girls have been acting weird since they got back from the Black Lake. That was three days. They keep giggling and smirking. I don't understand.

"Let's go!" Marlene says, grabbing my arm and practically dragging me in the direction of the Great Hall. I get my feet back under me and she releases me.

"Uh, okay?" I say. A random Ravenclaw walks past us and hands me a rose. I pause and stare at it. I look back up at the girls and they give me unconvincing shrugs.

"What?" I ask as a Hufflepuff girl walks by and gives me a rose as well. This continues all the way to the Great Hall until I have a good sized bouquet. What's happening?

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