"I may not like your brother. And I may have just met you but I consider you one of my close friends. I know how it feels to miss your sibling. My older sister thinks I'm a freak. I don't want you to go through this. I won't tell anyone Sophie but you have to say something to him," Lily says softly into my ear. I pull back.

"I can't Lils. He hates me. He doesn't want me as his sister," I mutter.

"Then he's a bigger fool than I took him for. You are an amazing person and I would be glad to be related to you," Lily say making me feel a thousand times better. I wipe my eyes and giggle.

"Give it some time and you might be," I smirk. Lily swats me on the arm and I yelp.

"Abuse!" I exclaim childishly.

"What're you guys doing?" Remus asks as he and Marauders walk over.

"She hit me," I pout. Sirius slings his arm around my shoulders.

"It's okay, love. I'll keep you away from the big bad Lily," he says playfully. I snort and shrug off his arm.

"You're a dork. And don't call me that. I will slap you. Let's go Lils," I link my arm with Lily's and we strut into the Great Hall. We sit down and the Marauders join us. Marlene groans.

"Do you have to sit here?" she asks.

"Yes," Sirius tells her.

"Sorry about him," Remus says.

"Not your fault your friend's an arse," I shrug.

"Language," Lily says, almost absentmindedly. I stare at her for a minute and sigh in disappointment.

"Buzzkill," I mutter. Peter and Sirius snicker while Remus smiles lightly and my bone-headed brother scowls at me.

"Can I help you?" I ask him coldly.

"Yeah. Do me a favor and stay away from my friends," James sneers.

"You sat here not the other way around Charles. Feel free to leave," I snap. I turn to my food and Lily grips my hand supportively. I smile at her and finish my meal.

"What class do we have next?" Alice asks.

"Al, it's Saturday. We don't have classes," Marlene tells her. Alice turns bright red stuffs a roll into her mouth. I giggle and swing my legs over the bench.

"I'm gonna go to the Black Lake. Who wants to come with?" I ask. The girls stand to join me and Sirius stands as well.

"What the bloody hell are you doing?" James hisses angrily. Sirius looks at him incredulously. I don't want to watch my brother and his best mate yell at one another so I high tail it out of the room.

"Why'd you leave so quickly?" Marlene asks me.

"Watching them argue would have been like watching someone give birth. Hard to look away but really horrible," I shrug. The girls make a face.

"I don't even want to know why you know these things," Alice says, voice tinged with disgust. I flash a smile and sit underneath a tree, across the lake from the Marauders'.

"So, what's up with you and Potter?" Marlene asks casually as she files her nails. Lily and I share a glance.

"It's nothing. He's just a prick," I say with an even voice that I had perfected over the years.

"Okay," Alice says with a look that says that she doesn't believe me. I sigh and lay back on the grass. The robe digs into my back so I sit up and remove it before laying back down and crossing my ankles. The sun beats down on me, the warmth soaking into my skin and I grow drowsy. I slowly fall asleep.

**James Potter's POV**

The boys eventually drag me outside and across the lake to where the girls are sitting. Lily looks up at us and rolls her eyes before going back to her book. Marlene doesn't even look up from painting her nails when she huffs in aggravation. Alice offers us a smile before going back to gazing at Frank Longbottom. My eyebrows furrow as I don't immediately spot Sophia. Then, I see her sleeping in the sun like a cat. My expression softens but I put my walls back up before anyone can see.

"How come you guys only just met Rose? Don't you share a dorm?" Sirius says, skipping all formalities. I roll my eyes at him and take a seat across from Lily. The boys sit down around me.

"She never really talked to us. And she didn't spend much time in the dorm. I only really talked to her when I almost ran her over," Lily says, blushing a bit.

"And she's very hard to wake up so good luck with that 'cause we aren't doing it," Marlene says as she stands. The boys give Sophia apprehensive looks. I sigh.

"I'll do it," I speak up in a soft voice. Everyone looks at me in surprise but Lily's look has a knowing glint. Weird.

I stand and crouch next to my sister. "Sophia," I say softly. "C'mon. Wake up." Sophia stirs and sits up groggily. She blinks at me, not quite comprehending, before her eyes widen and she stands quickly.

"Um, thanks," Sophia says quietly as I stand as well. I nod and we both head off to our respective friend groups. I miss her so much. But I'm stupid and stubborn. Merlin, how am I supposed to get my sister back when she doesn't want to be my sister?

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