Alcohol is Strong

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"Miss! Hello Miss!" I turned my head to look at a guy running towards me from across the street Russians gradually parting for him. He stops in front of me as his white feather in his hair as it's in a ponytail stops flying as he grins at me and grabs my hand as he pulls it to his mouth and kisses it.

"May I please get your name miss?" He looks at me still grinning. "Uh, Martha." I pull on my sleeve that is on my other side trying to warm my other hand from the current numbness. "Martha... Such an American name. Well Martha, your name is officially changed to Vladlena and your my betrothed." My eyes widened like twice the regular surprise as I swipe my hand from his and step backward into Caesar's chest as he was tense.

"Who are you?" I felt Caesar's chest rumble as he spoke and I melted into his body warmth. “I am Dusk, this country's prince, and you are? This young lovely woman's brother I presume?" I look at Caesar as he just kept his eyes on Dusk as he answered, "I'm her 'friend.' " Ouch. That really hit me straight in the heart breaking it in two as he just left me standing there following the leaving Summer and Hope going towards the train station heading for Mountain Everest.

"Where are you and your group heading to?" I look back at Dusk trying to keep in the tears that dared leaving my eyes as I glared at him but I guess it didn't come as much of a threat, "None of your business." I fast walked towards my group as I hugged my long black cloak closer to my body for warmth as I boarded the train and sat in the booth on the other side of the cart away from my group still trying my best to not break down right there.

Caesar thought of me as a friend and all the sudden some prince I know nothing about tells me I'm his future wife? Why is it always me with all this lovey dovey shit? You know what, I'm never going to be a softy in front of them anymore, just because if I am, they'll treat me like a weaker race.

Never again...

I wake up to hugging tightly a body of warmth and suddenly remembered me and Caesar are in a cave. And we did that again. Jesus, where's birth control when you need it? (Pun intended.) I search for my black singlet as I slipped it over my head and then looked for my tank top and then my shirt and all the other stuff I was wearing cause, damn, it is cold in Russia! I slipped on my husky boots as I tied them up and looked for something sharp to use. I found Caesar's dagger as I took it and walked out of the cave pulling up my hood.

I jump from tree limb to tree limb as I quickly follow a snow hare bouncing on the snowy ground. I get ahead of it and then jump down striking it in the back with the dagger as I flew from the branch. I put it in the sack on my back as I quickly find another rabbit to slay.

I walk into the warm cave as I saw two people with white cloaks drag a struggling Caesar (who's dressed) into a comb looking thing and knock him unconscious. They see me in the corner of they're eyes as someone comes from behind me and hits me in the back of the head making me fall half unconsciously as they drag me to a comb looking thing like Caesar's and put me in it wrapping it around me tightly where I can't push it open. I look towards the ground out of it's steel like branches as we start being dragged and my brown hair drags through the snow with me and getting tangled in the branches. We stop as I felt my cocoon open and then someone small and light drop on me as they close it again. I look up to see a small girl shaking in fear slowly awakening as I wrap my arms around her and brush her hair with my hand doing soothing noises and saying its alright, your going to be ok, and other stuff.

We come to another stop as we get thrown into some kind of hut still in the branch made cocoons. I remembered I had my knife with me as I took it and sliced open some branches. The little girl slips out as she takes her small hands and rips open the cocoon for me. Dang, she's strong.

I nodded thanks to her as I went to the one Caesar was in and ripped it open. He suddenly snapped back to his senses as he sat upright with wide-eyes. "Shh." I put my finger to my lips as he slowly nods but still tense. The girl comes up to me and wraps her arms around my neck as I pick her up and hold her towards my chest, protecting her like a mother protects her child.

I hear someone clap as I turn around and glare daggers at a shadow in the corner. "Who are you? Show yourself now I can see you." I growl lowly holding the girl closer.

He chuckled, "If you can see me then I don't need to show myself but I don't mind." He walks out as I felt the hairs on my neck rise. It looked like Ozey, Samantha's Boyfriend, but with black hair. "Oz?"

"I prefer to be called Zo."

Not Ozey for sure.

Looking For Hope (Sequel of TB)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora