Looking For Hope (Sequel of TB)

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It was raining as my face was screwed up running in the woods next to the explosion site that happened the day before. My eyes were burning from the wind and salty tears as I kept running thinking that if I found the bodies, then we'd be sure they were dead. A blue sparrow was circling high in the trees following me while a silver wolf jumped in and out of bushes while a black and blond streaked wolf was trailing beside me trying to comfort me.

I kept running in a circle until I couldn't take anymore and stopped abruptly and fell to my knees as they felt numb. I was in black shorts and a black tanktop when I found out. I quickly ran out of my house just to come here to see this. The sparrow swooped down and perched in front of me. "I know how you feel Martha. S-She's gone." His voice filled my head as he sounded like he was choking. Of course he would feel like that. He was the closest to her, and then he lost her in one single crash.

"It's ok Grey, Miranda would hate to see you cry. Come on, we'll be late for the funeral." The silver wolf showed back up as it's black eyes widened and ran over to me with a worried face and nuzzled my neck as I just put my arms around his scruff and rested my head on his fur. I breathed in his velvet orchid scent as I pushed my face further into his soft fur.

"Come on," I straightened the backpack on my back, "Let's go." I climbed on his back and snaked my arms around his scruff as I bundled my head into his back and closed my eyes as I felt the wind start rushing past my face and my hair flowing with it. I opened my eyes to glance at my feet that were covered in dirt and I told myself when I got home to take a shower.

We came to a stop as I noticed a beach ahead of us and I quickly got off and opened the backpack to give the black wolf with blond streaks jeans and a grey shirt and the sparrow black pants and a white shirt. I looked over at the silver wolf as he just nodded his head. I gave him jeans and a white shirt as I took out the rest of clothes form the backpack. They were black pants and a blueish grey sweater. I stepped behind a tree as I slipped on the black pants and the sweater as the sweater went so low to where it didn't cover my shoulders but my hands instead with it's soft cotton. I almost forgot about shoes as I rummaged through the backpack to find some reasonable shoes. They were black flats.

Black, black, and more black. Perfect for a funeral, I thought as I tried to stop my eyes from tearing up again.

I walked into the clearing as all the sudden a whish almost made me do a 360 as I looked at Grey standing next to me and grabbed my hand as he gripped it hard. I squeezed his back saying to him it will be all right. He nodded and walked with me to the clearing where pictures of Miranda and Ozey stood with Samantha holding two jars filled with sand.

After the funeral, before Samantha left, I grabbed her arm and she turned her head towards me I couldn't read her expression. "Samantha Jericho, thanks for being a great friend, but me and some others aren't going to be here anymore. We're going to leave soon to look for a murderer." She looked at me with wide eyes and just sighs and gives me a small little smile, "Good luck Martha, I hope you and your companions find the person your looking for."

"Thanks Samantha." I hug her for a split second as I let go she had a small shocked expression but covered it up. I concentrate on imaging my house in my head as sand started swirling around me as I closed my eyes and gripped my hands so hard they started bleeding a bit. The sand got stronger as it spun around faster like a twister. As it stopped I was standing in front of my door as I opened it to be greeted with Summer, a girl with straight black hair and glistening orange eyes, Caesar, Mark, and small backpacks with food stuffed galor in them and some clothes too I guess.

"Who's she?" I glanced at the girl as she just smiled back with a little blush. "This is Hope. Hope meet Angeline, Angeline meet Hope." I waved a little at her. I smelt something amazing coming from the kitchen as Brandy walked out holding freshly-made steaks. "Everyone have a bite before you leave. You have a special steak by the way Angel." I nodded as she said that and everyone piled into the kitchen and pulled out a seat to eat they're steaks before we all left.

"Ah, I'll be right back I forgot something." I got up from the table, steak already eaten, as I washed the dish and put it in the dishwasher and walked up the stairs to my room. I walked in my room as I slipped off the clothes I was currently wearing as I put on a grey t-shirt and longer shorts that were blue as I grabbed for my tennis shoes and tied them on as Caesar strolled on in meeting eye contact with me.

Hey you ok?" He sat on my bed as I made space next to me so he could sit next to me. " Yea, just a little shocked though. I wonder how Jackie will do without his big sister around anymore. And how Samantha will do without her boyfriend."I lied but I chuckled at the last word knowing she'd probably kill me if I said that to her face. Caesar cupped my cheek as I locked eyes with him and gave him a fake smile as he had suspicion cross his face for a second but gave me a reassuring smile back as he got off my bed and walked back out my room.

I sighed as I walked into my bathroom and looked in the mirror. "Hey, you holding up well?" Medusa stared at me with concern as I just shaked my head and she sighed this time. "Make sure you have plenty of blood or i'll kill that Hope girl first. Just, there's something off about her..." She trailed off as she just looked at me with a playful glare. "Go now, before they decide to leave you here." I nodded and slid down the stair's rail as I landed on my feet and followed the others to the back of my yard as we all looked away as Caesar and Mark stripped they're clothing off and jumping into wolf form as I grabbed the neatly folded clothes and put them in my backpack.

I felt my eyes turn dark purple as I tried out something. Transform, transform, transform. I opened my eyes to feel a draft on my back as my fur ruffled slightly. I looked down at my clothes that were left on the ground as I tossed them to Summer who put them in her pack as Hope decided to change into a wolf. Shapeshifter I guess. I looked at the sun as I squinted to see a faint shooting star. Please, let Miranda and Ozey be alive. I wished that as I walked forward. "Dang, you are one cool looking tigress. I think you'll be shot first though." I looked over to see Mark snicker at me as I just growled at my failed attempt. Wolf, wolf, wolf. I felt my body ripple again as I opened my eyes again and swished my tail as it was bushy. It worked this time.

"Ok,now atleast we look like a pack." I heard Caesar laugh this time as I snarled playfully at him giving him a death glare. "Everyone ready?" I looked over to see Summer on Hope's back as they all nod. "Ok, let's go!" I jumped over the fence as the others followed behind with Summer saying "Yee-haa!! Gittie up wolfie!"

I swear that woman has a messed up mind sometimes.

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