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I've been working my ass off to finish typing up contracts for my boss all morning, he's punishing me for getting out of work, and not letting him know in advance. The CEO of this company is very close with Tom, otherwise I know I wouldn't get away with this.
My phone dings and I take a much deserved break to check who it is.
Harrison: leaving yet?
I finish up the last few things, saving my work and shutting off my computer.
Amelia: just finished up, I'll head out now!
I pack up my things, grateful I get to leave early. My poor co workers, having to be stuck here the rest of the day.
I lock up my office and walk out to the cubicle area.
"Where you off to?" Garrett asks, his green eyes making their way to look at me.
"Holland enterprises. Against my will." I joke.
"I'll go for you" he says, holding up the files he's working on. "We can trade."
"I think I'll pass" I laugh. "See you tomorrow."
I walk out of the building and get into my car. I already know where I'm driving, considering it's hard to miss the gigantic building right in the center of London.
I pull into the parking lot of Harrisons work, getting out and walking inside.
The building is beautiful, I've never actually been inside before. The ceilings are high, the marble flooring colliding with my heeled shoes to make a clacking sound every step I make.
"Hello" the lady at the front desk greets me with a smile.
"Hi I'm here for Harrison Osterfield" I say.
"Name?" She asks.
"Amelia Daniels" I say.
She types into her computer, before pressing the intercom button.
"Mr. Osterfield, Ms. Daniels is here to see you" she says.
"I'll be right out" I hear Haz's voice.
"You can take a seat" the woman smiles and I nod, sitting down on one of the comfy dark red chairs.
Soon I see Haz walk out in yet another fancy suit. This ones a burgundy color, standing out in the sea of black.
"Hello come on back" he says formally and I roll my eyes, hitting his arm.
"Shut up Dude" I laugh.
We get on the elevator and he presses the top floor. The ride feels long, this building has a lot of floors.
"Welcome to my world" he smiles, pulling me through the doorway.
"No cubicles?" I ask.
"Not in this office, we all are the top 10% in the business so we all have our own offices." He informs me. "You'd fit in well here"
He leads me to a door, putting the key in and unlocking it.
"This is my office" he says, Opening the door.
I walk into the roomy office, the first thing catching my eyes is the large floor to ceiling window overlooking London, letting lots of light in. His desk is quite big, and matches all the shelves and filing drawers through the room.
"Not gunna lie.. this is nice" I nod, walking over to the window and looking outside.
"Your office would be this nice too" he says.
There's a knock at the door and he opens it.
"Hey you free for a second?" The tall blonde man asks.
"Just a second, what do you need?" Haz goes into full work mode.
"I need a signature on this paper for the golf course production in Birmingham" the man says, his grey eyes scanning the room and meeting mine.
Haz takes the paper, walking towards me at the desk and grabbing a pen, signing the paper quickly.
"Make sure this gets in by tonight" he says.
"Yes sir" the man nods, sending me a small smile before leaving the office.
"So.. who's that?" I ask and Haz turns to me, his face scrunched up in disgust.
"Ew stop that dude" he says.
"Just was wondering who he was" I shrug.
"His name is Hayden." He informs me.
"He's cute" I say.
"Nah, were not doing that" he waves his hand dismissively at me and I laugh.
We walk out of his office and he leads me down to a much bigger office, this one being more secluded, the windows connecting it to the open area all have coverings over them.
Haz knocks on the door before opening it and pulling me inside.
At the desk across the room sat a brown haired man, talking into the phone while twirling a pen around with his fingers. His eyes look up at us, waving us all the way in.
"I'll deal with it later, just make sure the payment went through. Thanks." He hangs up the phone and stands to his feet. Now that I have a better look at his face I recognize him as the one and only Tom Holland. His suit, while being much less extravagant as Haz's, still was tailored perfectly to his body. He looks exactly the same as his magazine cover photos, only in real life he has a smile on his face.
"You must be Lia. I've heard a lot about you." He says, walking around the desk to stand in front of me. "Tom Holland" he puts out his hand and shakes mine.
"I know" I say and instantly regret it, my cheeks turning a light shade of pink. "I mean-"
"I know what you mean" he laughs. "Come, have a seat."
So far he seems really.. nice? I wasn't expecting that.
I walk over to the black leather chairs, taking a seat. The office felt warm and inviting. Not cold and intimidating like my regular office. Tom sits down, fiddling with a pen in his fingers.
"So you're thinking about coming to work for me?" He asks.
"Well I didn't-"
"Yeah she is" Haz says and I glare at him.
"Cause I really could use the help, and Harrison here seems to run off everyone I hire. You seem to be the only one able to tolerate him." Tom says and I let out a small laugh, causing Haz to frown.
"I'm really not all that experienced" I say.
"Lia.. I hired Harrison." Tom says and my mouth drops. I love this guy already.
"Scuse' me!" Haz exclaims, offended.
"I looked through your records" Tom moves on, leaving Harrison in the dust. "You seem to be great at what you do."
He clicks through the laptop and I bite the inside of my cheek nervously.
"You have information on me?" I ask. "How?"
"I have access to a lot of things" he shrugs. "No pressure, if you want a job I definitely have something for you, if not that's fine too."
I sit back in the chair, the offer is almost starting to sound good to me. My need to work my way up and prove my worthiness is slowly fading. This is a beautiful office, and he's a very nice guy. What if I just did it? Just made the switch.. I'd be working with my best friend, I'd have vacation hours, make double what I'm making now to pay off my student loans..
"I'd have to put in my two weeks notice" I say and Haz sits up, his eyes widening.
"You're gunna do it?" He asks.
"Yeah.. I'd like to" I nod and he smiles.
"Fuck yes, someone who won't drive me crazy." Haz says.
"Wonderful, I'll put you in for two weeks and you'll be getting a schedule in your email." Tom says.
"You don't need to interview or anything?" I question.
"Believe me, I think I know your whole life story thanks to Haz" he says. "Other than a little bit of paper work, you're good"
"Wow.. okay! This sounds great thank you" I smile.
"Of course, I have to get back to work but it was great meeting you. I look forward to seeing you again."
"Likewise, see you" I shake his hand once more, leaving the office with Haz.
"I knew you'd do it!" Haz cheers.
"It's just such a different environment here" I say.
I see the same guy walking up to us from earlier, His grey eyes catching mine.
"Sir I faxed the paper" Hayden says.
"Great thanks" Haz dismisses him rudely.
I widen my eyes at him slightly, and he sighs internally.
"Hayden this is Amelia. She'll be working with us." Haz introduces me.
"Hi" he smiles, his perfectly white teeth shinning.
"Hey" I smile back.
"Great we need to go" Haz says, pulling me by my arm and I groan as we get in the elevator.
"The fuck was that dude?" I ask.
"Please by all means, go get laid, get laid five times in a row with different guys, just not Hayden." He says, pressing the button for the bottom floor.
"Why not?" I ask.
"Because he's my best worker and I don't want to loose him when it goes bad." He states.
"Aww you'd choose me?" I ask and he rolls his eyes at me.
We get to the bottom floor and he walks me out to my car.
"See you later co worker" he says.
"Not yet, I still have two weeks in hell" I groan.
"Good luck.."

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