Chapter 5: Eavesdrop

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Draco Malfoy rushed out of Slughorn's classroom, holding his bag tightly and with a menacing look on his face. Pansy Parkinson struggled to catch up with him, finally doing so.

"Where do you think you're going, Draco?" she panted, walking beside him, "Our next class is the other way."

"I'll kill Blaise." the boy hissed.

"What? Why?" Pansy frowned, perplexed.

"He's going to ruin my chances of excelling potions." Draco exclaimed, frustration building up in him, "To oversleep."

His eyebrows furrowed inevitably, and the disbelief in his voice was almost tangible. He's always been a good Potion's student, dare he say the best if it wasn't for bloody Granger.

Since Snape's first class, he knew that was undoubtedly his favorite class in all of Hogwarts. He dedicated every second of every Potion class to becoming the best, and he wouldn't stop now.

If anything went wrong with his potion because of Lovegood's daftness, he was going to make Blaise pay.

"Oh, so you're angry you've got paired up with Loony," the brunette laughed, shaking her head in amusement. "I bet she will come up with all sorts of imaginary ingredients to put in your potion."

"That's not funny, Pansy." he shivered darkly. "I want the best grades, and nothing will stand in my way to get them."

"So what will you do? Hex Loony? Poison her?" the girl raised her eyebrows, grinning maliciously at the thought.

"I don't know. I have to think." Draco answered dryly.

Pansy continued her list of pranks and hexes for the Lovegood girl, but Draco quickly tuned her suggestions out when he heard a girl's voice whisper-shout:

"...Madam Pomfrey said that Justin's scratch on his arm won't heal." A second year Gryffindor girl stood in front of three other Gryffindor students.

"And I've heard he's got a bite on his leg." One of them responded.

"He won't tell her what it was, some say it was a giant dog..." The third one whispered.

"I heard he's going insane." The fourth student added.

Draco stopped on his tracks abruptly. What if this was the same thing he saw in the Dungeons that night?

Draco Malfoy fought the urge to walk up to the group and ask about the incident. He pondered telling Pansy about his vision, but figured it was best to keep it secret.

"What now, Draco?" Pansy looked around to see the boy paralyzed beside her.

"I think we better head to class," his shoulders tensed up, "I'll deal with Blaise later."

The girl eyed Draco curiously, a puzzled look on her face. What could ever make him rethink revenge? It certainly mustn't be good. She decided to brush it off for now and accompanied the boy, who turned around in the direction of the Arithmancy classroom.

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