"Logan, if the twins turn out to be boys or even we get a single boy, remind me to never invite the lion or the scarecrow to babysit nor even get with in five feet of them. - Hey! No! No, no! Finn! Finn! - You don't mind us crashing your work bubble right Mr. OZ? Cause there is nothing that's stopping Mr. Scarecrow now... and - Colin! Get back here! - Yeah. We'll be there in a few."

Logan laughed, "Well Dorothy, you're a long way from home. Got those ruby shoes with you?"

"Damn, they're in my other purse. But that's not too bad when my home is only a few floors away." Rory's voice slowly got more flirty and Logan felt it. He smirked.

"Well then follow the yellow brick road, future Mrs. OZ, home is not far off. And watch out for the flying monkeys, I hear there's a wicked witch from the West on my floor according to my apprentice."

"Hmm. And to think we just left the wicked witch of the East not so long ago."

Logan chuckled, knowing who she was referring to. And then a slam of his office door opened.

"Ace you might want to hurry and find those shoes to get you up here because this isn't going to be pretty."


Before Rory could get a word out Logan hung up and glared at his visitor.

"Ms. Blade, how can I help you? And if it's not work related, get out."

Nancy Blade, the floor secretary, pursed her lips and shifted her weight on her sky high heels, holding some files in her arms as she squeezed her arms closer inwards to push her breasts outward more, to show her cleavage through the three open buttons of her cherry red blouse that was snug to her upper figure.

Logan kept his eyes tightly on her own as she slowly bent forward to place them on his desk.

She licked her cherry red lips before speaking. Her hazel green eyes looking at him, begging him, to give her attention.

"Jason wanted these looked over and approved before final look over with David." She spoke with a little sultry edge. Making her sound like a raspy old woman. To Logan anyways.

"Okay. Is that all? Or are you done wasting my time? Because I'm sure that there is something else for you to do besides hiding in a supply closet and waiting for your next victim."

Unbeknownst to them, they had quite the audience. Some actually had popcorn and shared candy as they watch through windows and the open door. A couple videotaped to use against the wicked witch of the west. In the midst of the crowd emerged and confused Rory, an amused Finn and a concerned Colin.

Nancy didn't know what to say to that as she tried to come up with something she felt a tap on her shoulder. She swiftly stood up and straightened her blouse and super short pencil skirt and turned around to see a sickeningly sweet smile on a woman she's never seen before.

"Hello, I don't believe we've met."

"I'm Nancy Blade. Assistant to Jason Hughes."

"Oh? I didn't know Jason had an assistant. Did you babe?" Rory asked innocently, turning to Logan with a sly look.

Nancy scoffed, "Look, Miss Whoever-you-are. You can't just come in here and claim to be the boss's girlfriend, he's taken, and I'm sure it won't last long."

"I'm sure." Rory smirked.

Nancy narrowed her eyes at her.

Rory walks around the desk to Logan where he had pushed out from his desk to watch on earlier. He pulled her into his embrace and sat her on hir lap. She shifted her butt around to get comfortable, earning a growl from him in her ear. She smirked a Logan smirk and leaned back into him while looking at an angry "assistant".

"Nancy, you don't mind me calling you Nancy, right?" She gave a slight pause as if wanting a response and Nancy was just about to reprimand her when Rory spoke again, "Good. Now I'm sure you don't want a sexual assult charge against your name, do you? Because he has the authority amoung the witnesses on this floor, if not others as well that can get you kicked out and on the streets. And I'm sure that no one would miss you."

Nancy scoffed, "Yeah right. You have nothing against me! And I'm not buying the whole..." she waves her hand over the two in a giant gesture, "... act. You're really pathetic!" She laughed. Loudly.

Colin and Finn were mad as they march in quietly to stand on both sides of her and take both her arms.

"Oh!" She jumped and then looked at the two unknown men. "Oh, hey..." she smirked shyly.

Logan rolled his eyes and Rory laughed.

"Hey Mac, you wouldn't happen to harvd David on speed dial would you?" Rory asked with a knowing glint in her eye.

"Yeah why?"

Rory tilted her head at the three in front of his desk.

"Ah." Logan then pulled out his phone and dialed 6.


Logan put his phone on his desk sideways and just let it unfold.

The Question of a Lifetime {EDITING}Where stories live. Discover now