Betrayed - Part 3

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Your house arrest was finally over. You put on a jacket and stepped out of Stark Tower for the first time in 5 years. It was 2017.

People avoided you on the streets. You ignored that. You were used to it anyway.

Your original plan was to get a coffee and go back, just to go outside for once. However, something across the street caught your eye. Two men were standing in front of an old care home which was being demolished. They looked slightly familiar, but you could only see their backs. Intrigued, you crossed the road.

Two girls came up and asked the blond man for a selfie. That means he must be famous, you thought.

Suddenly the raven haired man turned and you took a sharp breath in. He caught your eye and froze. It was Loki.

You weren't aware of moving, but the next thing you registered was running towards Loki and wrapping your arms around him. (clicheeeeeeee) He bent down and kissed you.

"I thought I'd never see you again." you said, shocked.

"Well, here I am." Loki replied.

"Sorry to interrupt this moment, but we do have a bit of a problem here." Thor interrupted.

"I can help." you said immediately, "I'm allowed to go places now."

"Are you sure? It could potentially be very dangerous." Loki warned you.

"I'll be fine. I can handle it, promise." you reassured him.

Thor pointed at the floor. A swirling circle of orange sparks had appeared around yours and Loki's feet.

"Its not me!" Loki exclaimed.

Next thing you knew, you were falling.


266 words

And I'm just gonna leave that there.

tWo UpDaTeS iN oNe DaY wHo aM I?

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