Betrayed - Part 2

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The door to your cell opened. It was Loki.

"So you kidnapped me, huh. What's that about? Correct me if I'm wrong, but I do not remember that being in the plan." you said angrily.

"You honestly thought I'd trust you not to tell anyone?" Loki replied, sounding amused, "Come on, Y/n, I thought you were clever."

You turned away frustratedly.

"I'm not talking to you anymore. You can continue with your plan and when it fails don't come looking to me for help." you informed him.

"What do you mean, when it fails?" Loki demanded.

You didn't reply.

"Y/n, tell me what you mean!" he half-shouted.

You just smirked at the wall, and still didn't reply. You heard Loki storm out, locking the door behind him. You knew this wouldn't end well, but annoying him was so fun.

You wondered if your uncle was going to come and get you. Maybe not, if he found out your involvement in this.

The only reason you'd done this was to get away from your old life. It wasn't at all going to plan, but then what had you expected? Nothing good could come of this, that was for certain.

You leant against the wall and tried to sleep.

-----one week later------

You surveyed your new cell. Not as dark as the other one. Also, you were joined by Loki.

(He wasn't put in an asgardian prison in this, instead he was kept prisoner in stark tower. Along with you.)

And you weren't exactly his favourite person right now.

"I told you your plan would fail." You said.

Loki didn't reply.

"And you didn't decide to stop." you continued.

Still no reply.

"And now we are here and it's kind of your fault. Also, I didn't know there was that many casualties. I wouldn't have helped you if I'd known you'd kill that many."

"Don't you think I know it's my fault?" Loki burst out suddenly, "I know it's my fault all those people died. But maybe I didn't want to do it. You had more of a choice in this than me."

"What do you mean?" you asked quietly, slightly surprised at this outburst.

"There would've been a worse outcome if I'd succeeded." Loki told you, "I killed the least amount of people possible."

"Wait, what do you mean by a worse outcome?"

"Its- it's - nevermind." Loki looked like he'd said too much.

"Loki, what is it? What would've happened? Are the Chitauri going to come back?"

"No. I don't know. But it wasn't my idea first of all. Yes, I do want a throne, but I didn't let go of Asgard specifically to come here."

You listened intently.

"I ended up in the home of the Chitauri. I was tortured and mind controlled into coming here and giving the Tesseract to them. Obviously I needed to fail so they didn't get it."

"So you weren't on their side and they might come back?"

Loki nodded.

"We need to telk someone." you said urgently.

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