"Okay, okay," Peter backed off reluctantly. "But do keep up the joke for as long as possible. It makes my day seeing Remus turn that brilliant shade of puce when he sees them flirting with you."

"Just for you, Peter," Carina agreed mockingly, rolling her eyes in reluctant amusement. 

 »» ༓ ««

James was floating on cloud nine for the entirety of his wedding celebration. He was surrounded by all his loved ones. And most importantly, Lily and he has finally tied the knot. Nothing brought him as much joy and closure as the moment she'd pledged 'I do.' 

He was hogging her for probably their seventh dance together that night when Sirius tapped on his shoulder. 

"I think I deserve a turn," Sirius puffed his chest out playfully. "It's only fair I make sure the lady is fully aware and consenting to the life of chaos she just signed herself up for." 

"If she leaves me before my wedding night, I'll have your head, Padfoot!" 

James grinned good-naturedly, spinning his wife out of his warm embrace and handing her off to Sirius, who immediately swept her across the floor. The sight quite honestly brought relief to James. Thus far tonight, Lily had already been stolen away by Remus, Peter, and even Frank. To his amusement, they all seemed to be checking in on his lovely wife's nerves despite being his close friends. James had also done his time, escorting Alice across the dance floor earlier in the night. As Lily's best friend, Alice calmly and cheerfully informed him that not all charms were innocent and fun, and she'd be delighted to add a subject to her practicing and experimenting if Lily were ever to be hurt. James laughed dryly before he realized she was very much not joking. 

He'd been worried when the night proceeded onwards and Sirius didn't attempt to break in. He'd been the only one of his friends who'd expressed caution at James and Lily's wedding announcement a few months back. Granted, it was only one night. Since then, he'd taken his best man duties quite seriously. He and Alice had truly outdone himself. It was the wedding of James' fantasies and Lily's dreams. As he watched his best friend and wife sweep through the dance floor in a flurry of giggles, he looked around the room. 

It was getting late, and soon it'd be time for him and the newly minted Mrs. Potter to make their polite exit from the festivities. Though he hoped it would only be the beginning to the real fun of the night. 

His train of thought halted abruptly when his eyes fell upon the one person he had yet to dance with, or even converse with, tonight. 

Peter was just climbing out of the seat next to Carina, patting her shoulder with a fond grin before striding away, when James came upon her. Her eyes relaxed as she caught sight of him, a familiar and easy smile lighting up her features. 

"Well hello, Mr. Potter," Carina grinned. "How is married life suiting you?"   

"It's only been a few hours," James grinned goofily. "But rather splendidly, if I do say so myself." 

"Where's Lily? I thought you'd be glued to each other." 

"Dancing with Sirius," he nodded to the floor behind him. "Speaking of which, I think you owe me at least one dance tonight." 

Carina groaned tiredly before pushing to her feet. "If I must!" She huffed dramatically. 

 James caught hold of her hand, walking her back towards the dance floor as a soft, mellow song settled over the room. He pulled her closer with a small smile, positioning them for the dance. Carina followed his lead, unable to ignore the slight awkwardness between them as they stepped closer. She chuckled lightly, trying to brush it off. 

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