Chapter 3:whoa

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I'm going to bless you with all of that:)

I shake my head as I slam my locker door closed, adjusting my stupid backpack as I glared at Henry, my best friend.

"Henry, I cannot stand that girl. I only like her when I can get something out of her, which is only when I feel like it. I don't like attachments and you know this." I roll my eyes as Kimberly saunters over to me, dragging her finger over my chest as I smack it away.

"Oh come on, Brayden, don't act like that. Especially after what happened Saturday night, you can't do that and not have feelings." Kimberly smirked making me want to throw up.

"Trust me sweetheart, I don't have feelings for you. Never have and never will. Now go screw one of your b*tches." I spat as Kimberly glared at me.

"Go to hell." Kimberly flipped her hair as she turned around, smacking me in the face before ticking away. Yeah ticking, she sways her hips so hard and so much it looks like she's ticking and it's annoying.

"D*mn, someone didn't take their pills this morning." Henry shook his head, amusement only his brown eyes before he ran his hand through his blonde hair.

"Screw you." I growl as Henry chuckles.

"No thanks man, I don't roll that way." I glare at the idiot I call a friend, his face freezing in awe as he looked over my shoulder.

" I glare at the idiot I call a friend, his face freezing in awe as he looked over my shoulder

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That's Henry

I turn around slightly as I see Hayley walking down the hallway, oh I see now. I smirk as I look at Henry, his eyes following Hayley as she walks past us. As I turn my eyes toward her, I see a small figure walking behind her, her head down a little. The small girl lifts her eyes to stop on mine, everything slowing to a crawl as her bright blue eyes stay on mine.


Her chocolate brown hair swooshed over her tan shoulder and her roses full lips stretched into the smallest smile, showing a dimple on her left cheek which was closest to me. I stared as her beautiful face turned away and everything returned back to like it was, normal. I blink as I shake my head, watching her retreating figure.

D*mn, that body though.

"Who was that?" I ask as Henry furrows his eyebrows, shrugging his shoulders as he closed his locker door.

"I think that's the new girl." I roll my eyes as I look at Henry like he's stupid.

"No sh*t Sherlock." I purse my lips as Henry chuckles, shaking his head as the first bell rang, telling the kids we getter get to class before detention slips are handed out.

"Let's go." Henry says as I cross my arms.

"It's just class, let's ditch." I shrug as shove my hands in my pockets.

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