-20- Just imagination?

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-20- Just imagination?

I'm sitting in my kitchen and have been watching a discussion between my daughter and my boyfriend for about twenty minutes. They can't agree on which princess is the most beautiful.

My daughter insists on Snow White, while my boyfriend insists on Cinderella. To illustrate why Snow White is more beautiful, Xinxin takes her Barbie dolls out of her room and explains that Snow White has the more beautiful hair and clothes.

The only thing that interrupts them from time to time is Yibo's phone. Sometimes it's a call, sometimes a message. And always from the same person. Some guy named Seungyoun.

At first I didn't notice it because Yibo usually has his phone on silent. But already after the third day, I noticed it now and then. And because Yibo has been waiting for a call from someone for two days, he set it to vibrate.

Which makes the frequency of calls and messages really clear. I even asked Yibo about it, but he was avoiding me more and said it just seemed like it. It's all in my head? I don't think so!

And the more often this Seungyoun tries to call Yibo or write him one message after the other, the more suspicious I get. Especially about last night. Then he got another message and I could look at it from the side, in this message was a picture of a broken heart.

I don't know what that means, but I have a bad feeling. I hope it's all in my head. But something tells me that maybe I should be a little more careful.

It's not that I don't trust Yibo. But it is and will remain strange. And I feel really insecure right now. Especially since Yibo is pretending it's nothing and not talking about it.

He's only here for one more night before he leaves for Beijing. Although he plans to clear everything in Beijing and come back here within a week, I have the feeling that it won't happen as fast as he thinks.

And again, his phone vibrates. Since the last time just ten minutes have passed and I can see from here that it is this Seungyoun again. "Aren't you going to answer that?" I ask Yibo annoyed. But he's shaking his head again.

I should probably stop worrying about these calls and messages. But somehow it won't let go of me either. I don't know why, but somehow it seems like that's something I should know.

The discussion about who is the fairest fairy tale character has moved on to the next stage. Now it's about the princes. My daughter is convinced that the prince Eric that Ariel fell in love with is the most beautiful.

Yibo, on the other hand, thinks that the Prince of Cinderella is much prettier. Again they go over the details and I can only shake my head. Personally, I tend to be more inclined towards the prince of Snow White, but no one asks me.

When the two decided to take a break for peace, Xinxin brought down their children's cosmetics. A hairbrush, lots of scrunchies and hair clips. She explains to Yibo that she wants to give him a new haircut and starts working on him.

After more than half an hour she looks down proudly on her work. Yibo with at least ten tiny braids, glittering hair clips and neck hair sticking out in all directions. And at the latest when I see the red smeared lips, the red rouge spread all over his cheeks and the dark green eye make-up, I can't stop laughing.

"Xinxin, you did great. Too bad Yibo doesn't have his long blonde hair anymore, it would have been worth it for you." I say it with a laugh and tears.

"Yibo Dad, you once had long hair?" Xinxin asks in surprise and inspects Yibo's hair very carefully.

"That was a long time ago, my little one." Return Yibo. And thanks to all that rouge, you can't tell if he didn't get red cheeks.

Unfortunately, my momentary good mood tips over again when Yibo's phone vibrates again. I look at him questioningly and again just shake his head. I don't know what's going on, but slowly it's really getting on my nerves.

Since days this Seungyoun tries to reach my boyfriend. I don't understand why Yibo doesn't just talk to him? It pisses me off that he tries to call even at night.

Yibo turned off the sound and vibration when we went to bed but it lit up all nose long when another call came in. And at least since I have Xinxin, I have a light sleep and so I noticed every single time the guy called again.

I was even about to answer the call myself. But that's not right. Even though Yibo and I are a couple, I should respect his privacy.

However, I'm still upset and I would have liked to ask this guy why he keeps calling Yibo over and over again.

The peace break between Yibo and Xinxin is over. The two run laughing through the living room and chase each other. They really have a lot of fun together. Xinxin is beaming all over her face and also Yibo's face is beaming under all that makeup.

It's a pity that the days went by so quickly. Tomorrow evening we will bring him to the airport and not see him for at least a week. It will be hard to say goodbye, even if it should only be for a week.

I still can't believe how fast it went between us and I ask myself again and again if all this is real or just a dream. If it is just a dream, I would like to sleep like this forever and keep dreaming.

Because I don't think I could bear to wake up and realize that all that I have experienced in the past nine days has not happened. That would be just too mean if this was just a dream.

They have moved their wild chase upstairs to Xinxin's room. I can hear them laughing. It makes me think that it will be quieter here when Yibo is gone.

I will miss watching them and see how much fun they have together. Of course I also have fun with my daughter, but it is not like that with Yibo. She totally blossoms with him.

And once again the phone of Yibo is vibrating. I think it must have rung or rather vibrated more than twenty times today. I look at the phone as the call ends. Thirty-one missed calls.

It's just weird. When someone tries to call me almost non-stop, I assume that something has happened and accept the call or call back. But Yibo does nothing of these things.

So maybe I'm really just imagining that he's hiding something from me? Or maybe there' more behind all those calls and messages? I hope it's the former, I really do.

So maybe I'm really just imagining that he's hiding something from me? Or maybe there' more behind all those calls and messages? I hope it's the former, I really do

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