[5] A Green Snake

Start from the beginning

The orange sun slowly climbed down from its height casting long shadows in the living room. "He is alive." Henry the local physician declared as he walked out of his operational chamber and towards the two nobles in his house, whilst cleaning his hands of blood with a dirty rag. "However I would recommend for him to stay on land for a while, before continuing your journey. I am sure you will be able to find decent lodgings at our local inn The HillHouse for him. It shouldn't be too busy this time of the year." Henry commented half-heartedly as he picked up one of the dry biscuits from the serving tray and munched on it. "How long?" Quintus questioned as he glanced behind Henry at James as he came clambering out of the operational chamber. "Two turns of a week at least." Henry commented nonchalantly. Dorian stood up in order to protest but was silenced by Quintus at one glance.

"Very well, we shall arrange the lodgings for him then. Would it be fine if he remained here whilst we prepare appropriate lodgings?" Quintus questioned. "It would cost you a little bit more, but yes." Quintus nodded. "Thank you for your help." The physician nodded and then turned towards the boy with his broken thumb. "Now let's see what can be done about that little thumb of yours Gerardius." Loud sobbing was heard behind them as Quintus, James and Dorian left the house of the physician and followed the main cobble street down to the port.

"Did he lose a limb?" Dorian questioned as he glanced at James. "No." The bearded man spat out. "Shame." Dorian responded. James ran his bloodied hands through his frigid beard, he would have to wash himself when he returned to ship and he hated washing.

Entering the port Quintus set for the local port authority building. A medium sized red stone building with a straw roof. Dorian followed close on his heels whilst James said his farewell and made for The White Pearl. The two man party entered the office on the first floor and regarded Silvian and Fionn as they played a game of cards whilst Marion was scribbling down notations on his parchment regarding the holdings and cargo of The White Pearl. "I would suggest we stock up on bay salt and wheat." Marion noted out loudly acknowledging the Generals presence in the room whilst continuing his recordings of the cargo.

The quartermaster dropped his cards speedily and stood up to greet his captain. "General Afworth." The Lowater Duke bowed which Silvian speedily imitated his movements. "For how long is the heir of the Selonton family going to remain gracing us with his presence?" Dorian asked boringly as he plopped down on the chair which Silvian had just raised himself from. Silvian graciously bowed. "Not for long I assure you Baron Croan. I am aware my presence is undesirable to state the least and I shall set sail at the nearest morning dawn." "Very well." Dorian responded. "We shall miss your presence Duke Selonton." Fionn announced politely as he offered some rum to his friend. "Duke Lowater shall miss your presence Duke Selonton." Dorian remarked as he grasped the glass of rum the Duke of Lowater was holding out to the Duke of Selonton. "Me? Not so much." He added. Quintus coughed sending Dorian a warning glance.

The Selonton family held a long-lasting rivalry with the Croan family regarding control over trade in the harbour city of Sihard, the prefecture belonged to the Selonton family and the city was where the family held their seat. However for the past ten years the harbour was owned by the Croan family. If the family scandal had never happened the Croan family would never have been able to buy the large Sihard harbour however due to the Selonton family losing favour with the King and being reduced to Dukedom from Baronies it had caused a golden opportunity for the Croan family. Silvian merely nodded. "I shall retreat for the afternoon Baron Afworth. I thank you for your hospitality and offering of your help. Without Marion I would not have been able to complete these documents at the speed of sunlight." "Your welcome." Quintus responded as he shook Silvian's hand with a brief nod.

"Fionn, I need you to arrange lodgings for the coming two turns of the week at The Hillhouse for Isherwood. Physicians' orders. I also want full repairs to our ship by this time." Quintus ordered as he walked over to the large wooden desk which Marion was writing at. "You may wish to speak with Ira regarding the sails." "Yes sir." Fionn answered as he bowed and made his way out. "Marion I trust you to arrange for the necessary restocking of our food supply since we lost Marcus." Quintus mumbled distractedly as he picked up one of the finished documents of the brown table. "Yes, ofcourse sir." Marion responded as he continued his scribbling.

Quintus continued to immerse himself in the documents with uttermost interest whilst Dorian swirled the amber golden liquid around in his glass. Suddenly a woman in a green skirt with a pristine white apron burst through the door. The bodice of her gown a darker emerald green. Her black hair was held tight in a hairstyle befitting a woman of her standing. "Baron Afworth, Baron Croan!" "Such a pleasant surprise!" She called out and made sure to bow deeply. She smiled brightly as she saw Quintus deeply immersed in the document. "I thought it would be of interest to you!" She declared happily as she sat herself across from Dorian picking up the cards in front her. This woman held no regards of social standing Dorian thought sourly, as he regarded the woman in front of him. She was brazenly lifting up his cards in order to see who held a better hand.

Smiling satisfying she lifted her green snake like gaze. "I hold the better hand. Dear Baron Croan what will thy do?" She asked with a devious smile. Dorian didn't bother to respond and took another sip of his drink. "These documents are indeed of interest to me. I thank you lady Nara. What do you wish as a reward?" The lady Nara smiled brightly, "I wish for an invite for my daughter to court!" Dorian stood up in protest but before he could utter a word Quintus granted the lady's request. Lady Nara the woman in front of Dorian was a former concubine of the prestigious Swan of Swarof family Viscount, she was banished to Green Island when she became pregnant with a child of the Viscount but used to be a well-known face at court. She probably wished for a life at court for her daughter as well.

"Baron Croan shall gladly accompany your daughter at court for a weeks turn my lady. She shall be properly introduced." Lady Nara glowed. "Very good. Very good." She gave Dorian a victorious smile and excused herself. For the past seven summers lady Nara had vigorously send out letters to prominent bachelor nobility in order to secure her daughter a place at court. Naturally Dorian had ignored the letters that had come his way however due to a friend's backstabbing heart wrenching betrayal today he would now have to introduce a country girl to the high court of the Verdigan Kingdom.

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