In the calmest voice ever Dan says "Who the fuck do you think you are? I don't care how pissed off you are, you don't speak to Row, or even anyone like that. I suggest you get the fuck off the bus before I kick you the fuck off."

"You think you're gonna kick me off my own bus?" Mike says with a laugh. "Good luck trying."

"Dan." I say, trying to avoid a fight between them. "Just let it go, its not worth it."

Dan looks back at me unsure on whether or not he wants to continue the fight Mike started.

"Come on," I say. "please. I'll get dressed, we can go out and not be near him."

"Alright." he says, still not moving.

I slide my skirt and shoes back on, feeling Mike's stare the entire time. As soon as I'm dressed and my hair and makeup are proper, I go up to where they are.

To piss Mike off even more, Dan grabs my hand before we walk past Mike.

"Jesus, I've been on tour with them for three years and I've never seen him like that before." Dan says to me as soon as step off the bus.

"I know," I say. "he fucking lost it."

"I get what his problem is, but he should just man up and fix it instead of getting pissed off at us." he says.

"What do you mean?"

He looks at me like I'm dumb.

"He's obviously into you." he says.

I laugh. "No, he's not. He's made that clear so many times. Anyways, lets not talk about Mike. Tacos? Tequila?"

Dan grins at me and squeezes my hand. "Lets do it"."

We get back to the bus 15 minutes before its supposed to leave at 4am.

I expected everyone to be asleep but we can hear everyone partying in the back. We try and be quiet as not to alert everyone to the fact that we're just getting in.

"Damn, we're cutting it close." I whisper to Dan as we try and tiptoe in.

"It's fine. No one will know." he says.

He leans in and kisses me, pulling my body closer to his. Because we're drunk, though, we both lose our balance and I fall against a table, him falling on top of me. I wrap my arms around his neck and laugh, pulling him even closer to me.

"Ah, you guys are back." Vic says, walking into the front of the bus. "We can actually leave now."

Dan grins at him. "Sorry, man. Tacos and tequila." he says as if thats an explanation.

Soon enough Jamie comes to the front as well. He looks at Dan and I in confusion.

I give him a smile as if to say "it is what it is."

"Everyone else is here too?" Dan asks.

"Yeah," Vic says. "Tony's in back with us, Mike's been in his bunk I guess since about 12."

Not that I care where Mike is, but its not like him to be sleeping so early. Usually he's the last to go to bed. But I guess he was really drunk the last time we saw him and he probably drank more afterwards knowing him.

"Mike has the right idea." Dan says. He turns to look at me. "Wanna go to bed now?"

I smile up at him. "Yeah, lets go."

"Woah, hey, no fucking after 3am on the bus. Thats the rule." Vic says to us as we head to the bunks.

I turn around and give him the finger quickly, grinning as I do so.

Dan and I get into my bunk together, cuddling up really close in the small space.

"Did you have fun tonight?" he says sleepily into my hair.

"Yeah, I did." I say, snuggling closer into him. "Did you?"

"Yeah. We can do it again when we get to the next venue."

"Ooh, sounds like youre asking me out." I say in a joking tone.

"What if I am?"

"Then I'm saying yes."

He tilts my head up and kisses me. It's just one kiss and its soft enough to leave me feeling comfortable and content.

"Its a date then."

I smile into him as I drift off to sleep.

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