The Cheap Bouquet

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The day the tour starts is a lot less stressful for me than it is for the guys and the rest of the crew. You don't realize how much prep and things are truly needed for a tour until you're on one. My only job was to make sure I had my stuff and to stay out of everyone else's way. Easy enough. I do that everyday already on my own. 

I decide to just lay on my bunk and play around on my phone. I figure it'll take at least half an hour before everyone's done, and then since it'll be midnight, we'll most likely have drinks to celebrate our first night on the tour. 

My phone goes off, it's Mike. I'm getting more texts from him lately than I've got since I've known him.

'If you wanna hangout later im down'

Literally the most casual text in the world, yet it excites me. I hate that it does. I know what Mike is like, he's not a relationship person. He's casual. I need to try and be more like that too. I've only been in one relationship before and I ended up getting to attached. It broke my heart when it ended. So this time I'll be the one whos disconnected. 

I pick up my phone and text him back.

'Yea, sure'

I hit send, feeling kind of proud of how casual I sound. I'm not gonna be invested in this. It wont last for much longer, anyways, I'm sure of it. Mike will probably be enamored by groupies soon enough. 

My phone buzzes again.

'Come to the back in 10'

I guess he's done loading his stuff in. I figured he'd take the most time, with his drums and all his stuff. But then again, it's Mike. Plus they've been doing this for years, I'm sure they've gotten a good system down by now. 

I get up and head to the back. It's only been three minutes but I'm impatient. No ones back here anyways. In fact, no ones on the bus at all which kind of creeps me out.  We're sitting in a parking lot and not a single person is outside or inside the bus. I know they're probably doing something related to the tour, or getting food, but it's still weird.

"Row?" Mike calls suddenly, making me jump.

I feel as he climbs onto the bus, coming straight to me.

"Where is everyone?" I ask.

"Just getting some stuff together." he says, reaching out to touch my face and pull me into him. "We don't have long if we wanna do something." he says and kisses me. 

I kiss him back, my kiss a little more fast and desperate than he is. I guess I wanted this more than I thought. 

Just like last time, the sex comes naturally to us.  We're done just in time for us to rearrange ourselves before we hear the tour bus opening and the sound of people talking fills the air. 

"Hey, Row?" Vic calls. "You seen Mike?"

"Uh, yeah." I reply. "He's here."

Vic walks into the back and right away senses whats going on. I don't know if its because of our faces or because he knows his brother that well, but Vic can tell whats happening for sure.

"Well, shit." Vic says. "Didn't expect that."

"Expect what?" I say, trying to play innocent.

"You guys are fucking, right?" he says.

"Nah, man, we're not." Mike says even though we both know that Vic knows better. 

"Whatever, it's not my problem. Bad fucking idea, though." he says and leaves.

"He's right." I admit.

Mike looks at me. "What makes you think that?"

"We're trapped in a small bus most of the time." I explain. "Plus, its not just us trapped on this small bus, but my brothers here too. You know how he is."

"He wont know." Mike says, but I can see his eyes look to the rest of the bus. I know that he thinks its a bad idea too. It definitely is... but now that we've started, I can't help but want him all the time. It's lust in its truest form. 

Mike steps closer to me and pushes my hair from my shoulder. He leans into me, his eyes staying on the rest of the bus. 

"I don't think you wanna stop, though." he says. He gives me a soft bite on the neck before walking off to join the guys. 

We're a dumb idea, but I think we're the best dumb idea I've had in awhile. 

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