Update !

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As this is a true story I feel as though I must update you with what happened. It's been over a year since I officially published this story. This story is based on true events that happened in my life. Although some parts were changed for the sake of the book. The truth is that I was really in love with a boy named Isaiah, who resembles the character of the main character in this book. We were best friends in middle school and we had actually been through a lot together. But he was not who I thought he was at all. Truth is that I actually did trust him a lot more than I thought and he was actually someone who I would have considered the love of my life. He made me happy in ways I would have never thought possible. He had a grip on my heart that has not been healed. He made me feel loved and protected and wanted. I know I sound crazy, but at the time I hadn't seen anything wrong with the situation. We called almost every night and texted every day. He always told me Good Morning and how much he loved me. There were a lot of warning signs that I just didn't pick up on. And honestly it hurt some much that someone I loved so much should hurt me the way he did. I thought he was the one. At a certain point, I thought of him as someone who I could see as my future husband. He told me all the right things, "I want you to have my kids" and "I want to move in with you". But it turns out that he was just telling me what I wanted to hear. It's hard now to even think that any of it was real. But let's get to what happened. 

So it was the day after my 15th birthday and my dormitory program had took us to a baseball game during the summer. I was so excited to see my friends and I looked so cute. I had just got my hair and nails done and I was over the moon. He had told me that he loved me and write me an amazing paragraph the day before. However when I woke up the morning of the 25th(the day after my birthday), I noticed that he didn't text me Good Morning like usual. Although I was slightly confused, I texted him good morning and that I loved him. This has only happened one time before when he didn't text me all day, but even then later he texted me that he was working all day and that he loves me and misses me. I got dressed as I would have usually and got ready to go. A few hours went by and I had almost met up with my friends to go to the game. Around three in the afternoon, I had gotten worried because this was the longest we didn't speak since we began talking. I had called him, only to find I went straight to voicemail, meaning he blocked me. I became increasing worried and called he about 7 more time over the course of the next half an hour. By the time my friend and I had gotten back on the train to go to the game, I was worried out my ass. But I tried to look forward to the game, in hopes that he would text me that he was safe. When we got to the game I enjoyed about half of it before all hell broke loose. I had asked one of my friends to check his Snapchat, since I was blocked on about every platform which made me very suspicious.  When my future roommate Kassandra check his snap she saw that he had posted a girl on his snap as is WCW. Girl that when I lost it. For the first time ever I had cried over a boy, and in the middle of the Yankee stadium. I ran to the bathroom in disbelief and embarrassment. I could not believe him. Yes I know it sound cliche but it true. I texted him on Instagram and basically cursed him out. I told him that I hated him and that I could not believe him. I said that I should have listened to my friends when they told me that he was bad news. I said that I wish I would have never met him. I just went off. And after about 2 hours I was back in my house. My friends had took me all the way back home because I was in to place to go home alone. When I got home I couldn't do anything but listen to music and cry.  He had texted me back some bullshit excuse about how is his little sister friend took his phone and posted herself, and blocked all his contacts with a heart by they name. I think deep down I didn't believe it but I loved him so much I was willing to accept his excuse and move forward. However that did not go as planned. We had made planned to meet by our old school, btu at the last minute he canceled. I just thought he was working more since we were in summer break. The next day after that he was went back to FaceTiming and stuff but the mood just seemed off. We just began arguing about any and everything and everything he did upsetted me and vise versa. Honestly it just seem as though he wasn't trying anymore. Then during one FaceTime call he began to tell me that he didn't need me and that he didn't care about me anymore and  all kinds of hurtful things. I was just over him and everything that came with him. I hung up the phone on him and told him that he could basically go fuck himself, and that if he didn't like me that he should just tell me so I could move on. The next day he replied telling me that he was sorry and that he was buggin when he said that. Then he texted me that he would be at the local park about an hour after that. But I left him on delivered for about a week. I tried to forget about him, but I just couldn't. So I texted him Hey and after a day of waiting he texted me back. I tried to push the relationship back to where it was but it was over no matter how much we tried to pretend it wasn't. We had been on a FaceTime call when my sister had walked in the room and saw him half naked. She is my older sister and she freaked out, asking what the hell I was thinking. He began asking who that was in a not to respectful way. So like any rational person I hung up and him and cool down my sister. Now when I called him back, refused to answer. He said that I was wrong for hanging up on him. I was baffled. I had went to my friends church concert which was right by his house. I had got lost and asked him for directions. He was so rude. But still like a dummy I texted him again. I told him what I was really feeling and that when the truth started pouring out. I asked what happened and he said that "I got boring". Girl I could not believe him. He blamed me, say that I had hurt myself. When he wanted to link and I couldn't, I was doing him a disservice basically. That week when I did not text him. He blamed me for everything. I could not believe him. He wanted someone to be at his beck and call, I just was not that person. I had found out he was talking to three of old friends of ours from middle school(Diory, Latisha, and Merlin) and was talking to a girl from his new school. I was devastated. I tried to fix our relationship but then it occurred to me that he had never asked me out. He was never was planning to be serious with me to begin with. I asked him if he stilled loved me and he said yes. I just could not do it anymore. He was me if I was still fucking with him and I said tbh. I guess he took the hint. Ha left me with Aii.

 And that was the last time we talked. He came to my school a few weeks ago and I didnt even know we was there. Other than that we have not been close to each other. I know that one day I will see him again. We have many mutual friends and come from the same middle school. Additionally, I schools are close and he is always near my school. I have tried to move on officially, but the first time I tried I just seemed to compared them.  Now I don't think I still have those feelings for him but honestly I don't know. I have had a new crush since him and I was so happy. I didn't compare them at all. I have heard other rumor about him recently but I don't really pay them much mind. I am guilty of stalking his page every once and awhile but honestly most of the time it just makes me see who he is becoming. I don't like it but hey what can I do. I am just happy to be done with him. As much as it still hurts today, I know it was for the best. I have had my heart broken to pieces by him but I learned so much more. I don't regret him, but I certainly would not put myself back in that situation again. I sincerely want whatever is best for him whatever that may be, and I will always love him. But I just had to learn to lo love someone from a distance. 

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