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⚠️⚠️⚠️Adult Fiction Below⚠️⚠️⚠️

Looking up I saw an "old friend" of mine pulling over to the curb.

He really wasn't a friend, more like someone I used to like and who didn't like me back.

I don't know why he didn't like me, but he played me for a long ass time. And me being me, I was too naive and dumb to realize it.

Oh and he is cousin the cousin of Vonate.

Weird I know.

"Hey Aiyden" I said as he put his car in park in front of me while rolling down his window.

"Hey D" I always hated that nickname, but I never said anything, "You going to the mall. I can give you a ride."he offered.

"Thanks" I stated before hearing the door of the hotel slam open, and without even turning around I already knew who it was.

I knew he wouldn't let me go into the car with Aiyden, so to avoid the argument awaiting, I tried my best to jump into the large car.

But I was too slow and at, by the time I tried to close the door, Vonate had already pulled me out of the car and was carrying me in the opposite direction.

Many people as talk about how rough and violent he but one as violent as he is, I was never afraid of him hitting me, like he had done to other girls.

I always hoped that us being as close as we were would save me from the wrath he gave to others.

I know it sounds stupid, but despite everything we have been through together, good and bad, to this day he has never, ever put a hand on me.

Don't get me wrong, I have seen and heard about him hitting other girls, and I always got on his case about it, but he never hit me and I was grateful.

Honestly if he hit me I don't think I would ever talk to him again.

As much as it would hurt me to do that, I have been through to much for me to allow someone else to willingly hurt me too.

Aiyden jumped out of the car snapping me away from my thoughts, and came around to my side of the car to help me.

I could see how angry Vonate was, so instead of putting up a fight that would still end with me leaving with him, I gave in and walked away with Vonate.

Vontae took my hand roughly, and pulled me towards the back of the parking lot where his car was parked.

Not wanting to get in I stood outside his car angry with him, I couldn't move I was so angry.

Who did he think he was.

And yes he had a really bad temper, but he must have forgot that I had a really bad one too.

"What the hell is wrong with you" I screamed.

I could feel the tear starting to swell up in my eyes, so I knew he knew I was mad as hell.

And of course Vonate being him, he changed to subject.

"Can you please get in the car, I really need to show you something." he begged.

"No" I remarked, "I am not going anywhere with you".


I mentally tried to walk away, but I couldn't.

I don't know what he was doing to me, but no matter how hard I tried I couldn't block him out, out of my life. He had me wrapped around his finger, and I was helpless about it.

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