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Delilah POV

It was two weeks before prom and I could be more excited. I had literally been talking about prom since the first day of freshmen year. Everything was ready, from my dress and to my toe nail design. I was getting on everyone's nerves about it, but I was too hype to stop.

My two best friends Angelina and Jalissa and I planned on taking a simple but elegant black limo. We had went together our dresses and pick out small details. We been preparing since May and it was almost here.

Interrupting my very vivid thoughts, my leg vibrated informing me that someone just texted me.

I am pretty sure Jalissa knew who it is by the way my smile reached ear to ear, yep Vontae.

Best Friend Vontae😚💙: Yeo whassup wit the links?

Me: Sorry cant wit jaja

Best Friend Vontae😚💙: fr hurd...always wit that girl like damn ion even like her

Me: watch ur mouth and we can link later

Best Friend Vontae😚💙: bro u aint like that..and aii text me when you get home

Me: aii bf love you

Best Friend Vontae😚💙: love you too

"Girl that better not be Von. You know ion like that boy." Jalissa said breaking my attention away from my phone.

Jaja is beautiful, always was. Nice long hair, smooth brown completion , and stayed fly. She is a daddies baby. She isn't the smartest out the bunch, but that never mattered to me. She had literally been there since day one , even though we almost fought on day two. LOL. I stayed at her house all the time, basically lived there, even had a key. Her parents loved me too, so they didn't mind.

"Sorry girl. Ok what was we doing."

"We was talking about what we gonna eat but bitch I finna take a nap. Ion know what you bout to do." she replied rolling her eyes.

"Bitch bet. Move over." I said grinning as I hopped onto the pink, plush king size bed. She had a nice room too. Big bed, pink everything, huge Apple TV right in the middle of her wall, and my personal favorite, the wall size mirror. She was poppin and she knew it.

We woke up 2 hours later to the sound of Angie banging on the door. She stayed banging on something like she owned every damn thing.

"Calm down effa" Jaja said opening the too big red oak wood door.

"Shut the fuck up. I been outside for the last 20 minutes trying to get in." she remarked sucking her teeth.

Angie, on the other hand was tall, but caramel, kinda like me. She was smart as hell, and knew it too. Stayed passing her classes and didn't even do the work. Her hair reached her shoulder blades, which meant it was pretty long since she was so tall. She made her own money, working her ass of at her first job earning, the position of a Junior Lifeguard of the local YMCA pool. Unlike Jaja, she knew what she wanted in life and never stopped working for it.

She came in and sat down on the bed, grabbing the Apple TV remote and turning on her favorite show Jane the Virgin.

Her phone started ringing seconds later she looked at it and then at me.

Uh-oh, what I do? I could hear Vonate voice through the phone. We were all close cause we were in freshman class together. Even though me and Vonate were best friends at the end of the day we were all close.

Not long after she answered, she put her phone down, and looked up smiling. What did this boy tell her?!

"Bitch yall ready for prom!!?" she giggled bouncing on the bed contradicting my previous thought that she was happy cause of Von.

"Girl I been ready. It's time to graduate and dip." I remarked as I got up to turn down the new installed lights. 

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