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"Perhaps, the problem is not the intensity of your love, but the quality of the people you are loving."

- Warsan Shire

(still) November 20th.

The evening was growing darker and colder, trees outside the window seemingly shuddering from the pre-winter winds that doesn't seem to want to stop. Liam was walking slowly down the street, watching the phoenix lanterns sway gracefully, the tiny flames inside them burning brightly. The woman pacing faster in front of him obviously was mad at what happened at the restaurant – aside from the fact that the mayor's self-indulgence was irritating.

"Soph, c'mon," huffed Liam. "Talk to me."

With a sigh, Sophia turned around with a frown. "How long are you going to torture that man?" she said. "Is this your idea of getting even? Well, it's wrong, Liam."

"Don't defend him," said Liam coldly.

"I'm not per se but," Sophia blinked and glanced at the pale moon, "this is all reckless, Liam. How long are you going to bear that grudge inside your heart? Niall has made a life here and I really hope you didn't just come here to destroy what he already has now..."

Liam scoffed. "I came here for payback and for the company to expand. It's called hitting two birds with one stone."

"This just won't work," replied Sophia, exasperated. "And girlfriend? That's a low blow."

Rolling his eyes, Liam mumbled, "I had to think of something..."

From that sentence grew a small silence that was either an end or simply a deep breath before the plunge, before the onslaught of an oncoming storm. The silence was a ticking time bomb just waiting for the clock to strike off and cause an explosion; Liam was the ticking time bomb. He's outraged at himself for still having a little speck endearment towards his past: the man who seemed to be with another man now.

I still love you. Liar, thought Liam. The pang of jealousy had seeped through his veins and fueled his anger even more. So he went off and lied about his sister Sophia as well. He wasn't sure who Harry was in Niall's life but he couldn't stand there looking desperate and sea-green with envy. Two can play at that game.

But after the silence, Sophia had enough of Liam's childish means. Though it was forbidden, she stepped into the realm of what was not to be uttered:

"If mom was here, she'd been very disappointed––"

"Don't bring her into this!" snapped Liam. "She's not your mother – and she never will be! So stop acting like you knew her and the things she did so well!" Liam's eyes were burning, like a hearth tended to by the Greek goddess Hestia herself. "You will never be her daughter because you're what comes of a woman – a whore – who goes around, sucking my father's cock!"

A slap reverberated on the chilly street. Sophia's face said it all, a single tear slipped down her right cheek. The madness in Liam's head suddenly dissipated, making him realize what he just did. "You worthless sonofabitch–" Sophia's voice cracked, the cry she had been neutralizing went off like a dam bursting, "Four years of earning your trust and you call me that?! I am not Karen's daughter but she treated me like one – goddammit, Liam, she treated me as one!" Her face cringed. "So what right do you have to call me a crack whore's daughter?!"

"S-Soph, I'm sorry–"

"You know that I love you, don't you, Liam?" said Sophia. "I do because I know Karen loved you and she would've ask from me the same. But I can't do it like this, Liam. I'm your sister..." she sobbed. "How could you say that to me?"

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