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uhm so if you are a reader and don't follow me , this following information is for you : I do not have a phone to edit and write my stories like i used to. I do want to update this because i have time due to the state the world is in right now. i have not updated in nearly a year. on my message board i plugged my ao3. i write anime fanfictions on there since i have no motivation to write fanfictions about kpop idols anymore. dont get me wrong ! i still ADORE kpop. it encouraged me to dance again , improve in singing , lose weight , etc. since i was drifting away from kpop i ended up becoming unfit and gained weight , though i still sing. i am not in my right mental place to be focused and obsessed with idols. if im being honest , its an unhealthy relationship with me an kpop , and im sure its the same for a TON of people. the shipping culture is also really toxic. though i still ship certain idols , it's not a good thing. i've been writing fanfiction about REAL people since i was 14 (when i first came to wattpad and didn't know english lmao) and it became an unhealthy thing. defending ships , fighting over them , etc. it's not good ! these are real human beings and the fact that they are fetishized by a lot of western fujoshis/fudanshis. shipping humans can be an unhealthy obsession and pushing fantasized relationships on someone isn't right. dont get me wrong !! i don't mind shipping real people ! but when it's to a point to where it's obsessed and takes part of your life , it's no good.

to put it in short : some of y'all only like kpop to ship and it SHOWS

anyways ! regarding this book. I DO want to update it for the sake of my readers and those who were looking for so much more. I WILL update this story this year !! but i have one thing.

I am losing my english abilities lmao. since i havent been texting my english speaking friends and i get 2 english assignments from my now-online classes , i lack proper english grammar and variety of words ( i have to looks up synonyms for so many words , u dont understand how mANY ). so hopefully my new stuff isn't shit

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