Judging 🌻

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Genres will be divided into 3 sections of 10 and each judge will judge 1 section of entries

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Genres will be divided into 3 sections of 10 and each judge will judge 1 section of entries. The judge for each section will be included at the top of the list of entries in that section.

Judges will give each book a mark out of 100 points.

The judging rubric is as follows:


Book title /10
Does it instantly grab your attention as a reader? Are you instantly intrigued as to what the book is about? Does it make you want to read the book? Is it catchy and easy to remember?

Book cover /10
Is it aesthetically pleasing? Does it suit the tone and plot of the book? Does it make you, as a reader, intrigued to read?

Blurb /10
Does it provide enough information to make you want to read the book? Is it short enough as to not bore you or give too much away but is it long enough to provide you with enough about the plot to intrigue you?

Spelling, punctuation and grammar / 20
Are there only a few mistakes each chapter? Is it easy and fluid to read? Do you have to stop and reread sentences because grammar, spelling or punctuation is wrong?

Plot /10
Are there any twists you don't see coming? Is it gripping? Do you just have to carry on reading into the early hours of the morning?

The characters /10
Do the characters grow as people? Can you relate to them as a reader? Do they help to further the plot? If they're meant to be likeable, are they? Does their personality work with the tone and plot?

Speed /10
Does the plot move along fast enough to keep the reader intrigued in the plot but does it still go into detail?

Interest /20
How interested in the plot and the characters as a reader? Do you just have to keep reading? Or does it feel more like a chore?


• Book title /10
Does it instantly grab your attention as a reader? Are you instantly intrigued as to what the book is about? Does it make you want to read the book? Is it catchy and easy to remember?

Book cover /10
Is it aesthetically pleasing? Does it suit the tone and plot of the book? Does it make you, as a reader, intrigued to read?

Blurb /10
Does it provide enough information to make you want to read the book? Is it short enough as to not bore you or give too much away but is it long enough to provide you with enough about the plot to intrigue you?

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