Relationships and drama

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Riele's POV

I can't wait for Jace I mean Jake, I mean yeah... Jake to get here tomorrow.

Jace seems so peaceful when he's sleeping.

I crouch next to him and sceam into his ears.

"Jacee!!!!" I screamed.

"Ahhhh" he shouted.

"Sorry, I said laughing, Bu-but you looked so hilarious".

"Stop laughing" he ordered.

We were interrupted by the lady that came to serve us our breakfast.

Jace and I ordered waffles.

Jace got up from the bed and went to brush his teeth.

He came back with jeans and no shirt.

I was like, seriously how did I not notice his abs.

After we were done with the food Jace and I went to see the Danger Force premiere.

When we reached the door to our I room, Jace and I were still talking about that episode.

"You know I don't think it should have ended like that, they should have shown us all of Frankini's 75 costumes" I said.

"Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. You are wrong, I'm the official producer and you are wrong.

"There is no need for us to see all his costumes" Jace said.

"Well i wanted to see it" I insisted.

"Just open the door, these high heel are starting to hurt" I continued.

"I told to wear slippers" he said.

"You are so unfashionable" I replied.

We stared into each other's eyes.

All this staring was going on for a long time.

Right when we was about to were about to lean closely.

We were interrupted by.... Isabella.

"Hey Jacey" she said before kissing him.

I was all like "if you want to kiss you can go the closet".

I noticed that she stained the white carpet.

I also noticed that she was wearing my blouse and even worse, she didn't look good in it.

"Uhh, Isabella you're wearing my blouse" I said with disgust.

"Ohhh, this ugly thing. I thought I was for Jace. Sorry I got syrup on my dress so I wore your unfashionable one" she said

"Excuse me!! That's my favourite top and you got syrup on it" I replied.

I hate that girl.

"Anyway, Jace what is SHE doing here" she said glaring at me evilly.

"And why is there one bed here, do you actually sleep with IT" she continued.

"No, I was thinking of buying a couch" replied Jace.

"Good, because I don't want her to have your baby, plus, she'll look uglier than usual" she said.

"OKKK!!!! That's it. I am not an animal so don't call me it, my name isn't it, don't insult my fashion sense and don't wear my clothes" I shouted

"Ha! Riele you are so funny, you don't have fashion sense and you know what you're making me sick, so go" she said.

"Well, Sorry I didn't know I was making you sick. If you don't mind I'm leaving" I said sadly.

"No, Riele wait "Jace shouted.

Unfortunately I was gone. He didn't even protect me when she was insulting me.

I don't even care, if he kept her a secret I'll also keep Jake a secret.

Jace's POV

"What are you doing here" I asked.

"My flight came in early so I decided to surprise you" she answered.

"In our room,? You shouldn't have done that. You made Riele feel sad" I said.

"Well I'm sorry I didn't mean to trash your perfect day. I just wanted to meet my boyfriend and it's okay if you don't want me with you then, I'll leave you" she said as she packed her things.

"No don't leave, I'm sorry" I said.

Today is not my day at all.

I went to the lobby and found Riele sleeping on the couch.

She looked so beautiful. I picked her up and placed her on the bed.

"Goodnight, Riele, Sorry I didn't defend you" I whispered.

Riele's POV

I heard what Jace said and it's really beautiful.

I waited until Jace was asleep then I began texting Jack.

Riele😍: I can't wait for tomorrow to come. It's just so awesome that we're going to be cast in a movie with Jace and Isabella.

Jake😘😘: Yeah I can't wait. Goodnight boo.

Riele😍: Goodnight.

A/N: Hope you all loved it. Like comment and follow me.

Cuter(Jaele)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora