I know exactly where Vincent is talking about, I couldn't forget. It's quite far from Northbrookes, equidistant from our houses. We always had our midnight meetings there, when we'd both sneak out of our bedroom windows when we were 12 and play video games there until 5 am.

I miss those days.

I didn't deal with all the shit I do now back then. Didn't know Zelkam, didn't have these dumb scars that are ruining my life. Why did I think they'd solve my problems, they've only made them worse. I glance back at the sleeping Darryl.

Yeah, but they meant you met him.

Worth it.

My spare key is lying on the table, so I grab it and walk out in a tip-toe, quietly closing the door behind me.


The street was oddly quiet. Sure it was half 3 in the morning, but our area of town was known to be one for some shifty stuff. That's probably why my parents were so adamant I shouldn't go out on my own.

Well we all know what happened to that rule...

The huge oak tree is still as grand as ever. It's leaves are orange and more sparse due to the autumn season, but full enough they still conceal what's inside.

I approach the tree and transfer my phone and Darryl's dorm key to a zipped pocket on my leather jacket. The tree has a ton of low-hanging branches, which is what attracted Vin and I to it in the first place. Especially seeing as I barely scraped 5'2 at age 12, so I couldn't climb many trees.

I remember that day well. We were both so excited there was a tree we could finally climb, and it gave me such a rush climbing it for the first time. It still does now, as I swiftly clamber between the branches. I've done this so many times before I could probably do it blindfolded. Remembering exactly where each foothold is, as they become more sturdy as our feet wear them down over the years.

The tree isn't at all small. You can look out all the way to Northbrookes at the top, completely over the tops of every building in the town. I haven't climbed the tree since June, so it takes me a little longer to reach our spot than usual.

Our spot is about 80% of the way up the tree. It's a flattened part in the centre, where the trunk ends. For some reason, the tree has never grown branches out of that section, so you can sit inside the tree with the netting of leaves above covering you. The top of the trunk is roughly 10 meters long in each direction, it's a really grand tree.

The sight of our hangout is exactly the same as it once was. Strings of fairy lights hang across it that twinkle in the darkness. There's a pile of blankets and pillows in the corner, with a French boy bundled in them.

Even after everything he's done the past week, I can't help but feel bad at the sight of him crying into a pillow. As I was at Northbrookes, it's just gone four am now that I've arrived. It doesn't take more than five minutes from my house, which I imagine is why Vincent is crying. He must've thought I wouldn't turn up.

My anger fades in that moment. "Uh... Vin?" I ask gently, sitting beside the sobbing boy. He looks up at me, his chestnut eyes red and puffy. They widen in shock. "Zak?!" he asks in disbelief. I smile slightly. "Yeah, it's me." Vincent pulls me into a hug, sobbing into my shoulder. I hug him back, rubbing his back in an attempt to calm him down.

"I-I d-didn't t-think you were coming.." he sobs. "You never take this long."

"I was at Northbrookes, sorry it took me so long."

Vincent pulls away to look me in the eyes. "Northbrookes? How come?" His voice is so shaky still. Vincent never cries, and that makes it hurt a bit more. "That doesn't matter" I say, hoping to avoid the topic. "Anyway, you wanted to talk?"

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