Chapter 58

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Chapter 58

Tobias pov

I zip up the lock to the bag and make sure that ice isn't leaking. I set the bag on the counter and lean over, taking deep breaths. I push my forehead up against the cold counter and try to gain my senses.

I try to recall pictures from last night in my head, but it all seems fuzzy. Ok tobias, you need to remember this for yourself, or else I'll never be able to move on from it. Let's just go through it from the beginning.

I remember talking to tris on the couch, telling her not to worry about anything. Well, broke that promise. And I remember will explaining how they were alive, but that's where it gets a little hazy.

Next I remember cheering tris on to do a dare but for the life of me I can't remember what the date was. But I felt euphoric when she came back in through the door, she was mad but she looks so cute when she's frustrated.

I don't know how much time had passed but I vaguely remember tris pulling me up off the couch because someone had puked their guts up. That's when I really can't remember, all I know I was thinking how cute she looked and how much I wanted to be with her.

I rub my temples with fingers trying to push the memories back into my brain. I squeeze my eyes shut and try to really concentrate. Suddenly a flashback hits me.

I pushing her up against the wall, her eyes look terrified. My fist comes down on her eye and a small yelp escapes her mouth with meaning it to. Mentally I cringe but the past me just shouts and lets her go. She slides down the wall, clutching her eye in pain. Or trying to protect her face from another punch. I see her blink a couple of times to gain a sense of what's around her, almost passing out.

I open my eyes, not wanting to remember anymore. I feel bile rise up and I can't hold it in, I turn around and run over to the sink. I throw my head over and throw up violently out of disgust of myself. I heave in and out, trying not to puke again.

"Tobias?" I hear a weak voice say behind me. I yank my head up and turn around, she stands up against the door frame, using it to support her weight. Her face is carved with worry and sympathy, but mostly worry.

I give her a sad smile and grab the bag of ice, running over to her. "You weren't supposed to get out of bed" I say gently as I grab her forearms to steady her. She doesn't say anything, just wraps her arms around me and squeezes me tightly.

I wrap my arms around her small torso and rest my chin on the top of her head. "Are you okay?" She whispers against my chest. I let out small laugh without meaning to.

"I'm fine, don't worry about me. Let's just focus on getting you back in bed." She's nods against me and I turn her around to guide her back to the mattress. I keep my arm around her lower back to support her as she limps back.

She lifts her knee up and slowly climbs in, while I grab the blanket and go to put it on top of her. "Lay with me?" She says lightly. I smile and little and climb in next to her.

She scoots closer to me and lays her head on my chest, snuggling in. I carefully put my arms around her, afraid I'll hurt her again. I think she's asleep until she's say something, "your not like him. I hope you know that."

I close my eyes then kiss her temple. "I know."


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