Friends . . .

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Next day, the same routine. I woke up and walked into my bathroom looking at me in mirror. "Another day..." I said to myself and then take a quick shower. After driving to school, I parked my car in the same spot. I looked at the rear-view mirror and kept repeating the same words of always, "Another day...".

After a few classes, the last bell rang and all the students were walking in crowds around the big halls. I entered into the cafeteria and got closer to a vending machine. I looked at all the options. Everything were snacks or sodas, but I stare at the only water bottle in one corner with the F20 number below it.

2 bucks... Yeah why not...

I took out my wallet from my pocket and started looking for a pair of dollars. After a couple seconds of research I took out the exact money in two bills. Suddenly, someone pushed me into the machine and stood in front of me.

"You better give me that money" Said George in front of me. He is bear and he was the typical bully. He was not too big, for being a bear. I stayed frozen in my place scared receiving another push. "I said give me your money, what are you stupid?" He replied getting even closer to me.

But Julian stepped in front of us pushing a little back to George. He looked at Julian, the dog was almost same height than him. I would say a little bigger. "I'll be watching you" the bear growled at me and walked away with a group of followers behind him.

Julian turned around and looked at me, "Are you okay?" . "Yup. Thank you so much" I said taking the couple of bills. "Nah, It's nothing. What friend are for". I stayed froze with the money in my hand.  

What. . . friends? . . . I mean . . . Yeah, friends . . . but . . .

"Hmm... Han? Are you alive?" . I shook my head quickly looking at him and then to my hand, holding tight the pair of bills, "Yeah, yeah I'm here...".

After buying my water bottle I started walking, with Julian next to me, to my car. I opened the car's door and looked at Julian. "Well. See ya tomorrow" He said walking away.

"Hey!" I yelled making him turn around. "How are you going to get to your home?" I asked while he got closer back to me.

"Oh I'll just walk" . "Let me take you" I smiled at him, "It would be a way to thank what you did for me today".

He smiled and got in the passenger seat of my car. I put my bag in the back seat and started my car. Then I started driving into my home, "Ok, where do you live?" I asked looking at the road.

"In that corner, turn to left". I made the turn and kept driving. "Here to Right" He said.

I turned to the right and stopped in the drive way in front of a big and nice house. He grabbed his bag and got off my car. "Thank you so much. I hope you don't live too far" He said with a sad tone but a soft smile.

"No, I live in 10 minutes from here" I replied making him smile more. "So, see ya tomorrow" He said walking into his house.

"See ya'!", I started driving away, 

"friend..." .

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