one fine day.

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"um actually, can i get another straw for the milkshake?" james said.

"aww, that's so sweet! really, i don't need-" lily said, but as the waitress gave james the straw and walked away, he said,

"watch how fast i can drink this." james slurped the milkshake with all his might and lily laughed so hard she almost knocked the table over.

james had only drank half the milkshake when he choked and almost threw up. lily made no efforts of helping him, though, as she was still trying to calm her laughter.

"will you learn?" lily said
disapprovingly, though still holding back laughter.

"no." james said, wiping his mouth with a handkerchief.

"you're an idiot." lily said, leaning back into her chair while taking a bite into her peanut butter sandwich.

"yeah, but i'm your idiot." james said, smirking.

"yeah yeah, sure you are." lily said, rolling her eyes.

the rest of the date went just like that, including lily spilling hot chocolate all over her blouse, an argument about whether milk belongs in tea or not, james experiencing a severe brain freeze caused by swallowing one cup of vanilla ice cream in one take, and a debate whether sirius is hotter in remus' sweater or remus is hotter in sirius' leather jackets.

at 6 pm, they realised it was almost dinner and they needed basically half an hour to go back to the castle. james paid for the food (that was decided after an argument too) and they sprinted out of the cafe back to the castle.

"why didn't you remember that we were supposed to be back at the castle by dinner, james?!" lily screamed as she ran behind james.

"well i reminded you it was 4 pm, but guess who wanted to 'stay a little longer!'" james said from the front.

"well it was 4 pm!" lily screamed back.

after a while james didn't hear lily's steps behind him anymore and decided to take a look back. she was sitting on the ground, extremely exhausted.

"oh come on." james said, though not exactly complaining.

"you should've brought your broom or something." lily said, lying down on the ground.

".... can you walk?" james said, looking at lily questioningly.

".... no." lily said, after a moment thinking.

james scrunched up his face and thought of a solution. well, there was only one obvious solution. james crouched down and picked up lily bridal style. lily wrapped her arms around his neck.

"thanks. i was about to pass out." lily said a bit dramatically.

"really? because i think you did that so you'd get carried by me." james said, smirking.

"are you complaining?" lily asked.

".... no." james said.

thankfully after a while (and a lot of struggling) the pair reached the castle right before dinner. a lot of people questioned their whereabouts but no rumours were spread. it was just james and lily being james and lily, the iconic couple of 1977 hogwarts.

after dinner, they were walking in the hallways together, catching up on sirius, remus and peter who walked ahead to the common room. it was a warm spring night, and there were only two of them.

"you know lils, i think i feel like i've forgotten something." james said after a moment of silence.

"crazy thing but so do i!" lily said.

they both thought for a moment and suddenly realised. they both turned to face each other and stop their walking.

"i'll go first." they said at the same time.

"no, okay, it's fine you can go first-"

"no no no you say it first-"

"tomorrow we have potions, right?" james said.

"yes.." lily said, knowing where this was going.

"guess what, i forgot to do slughorn's assignment." james said, putting his face in his hands.

"ha! i've already done mine!" lily said with a triumphant look on her face.

"oh but i know, you haven't done your tramsfiguration essay!" james said with the same tone.

"... fine. i give up." lily said.

"please help me, hun, i promise i'll help you with the transfiguration essay!" james said.

"hmph. fine. but if you neglect me right after i help you then things might go downhill." lily said, crossing her arms.

"oh you think i'm cruel enough to do that?" james said, putting his arms around lily's shoulders.

they continued walking to the common room to grab parchment and quills, then continued their venture down to the library to finish homework.

they stayed at the library until practically midnight, doing tons of absurd stuff like reading the books they collected out loud, having an ink fight, and smuggling snacks into the library (they were smacked by madam pince after that).

they stayed until it was so late madam pince had to kick them out and put them to bed, so lily and james wrapped up their essays and walked to the gryffindor common room. they were the last ones there.

"so. that was a day, wasn't it?" lily said, dropping herself into a couch.

"definitely." james said as he dropped the parchment he was carrying onto a table.

"thanks for helping me on that transfiguration essay. wouldn't have done it without you." lily said sweetly.

"aww. that's cute." lily rolled her eyes. "and thank you, for helping me on the potions essay. you're the best." james said.

"alright. good night." lily said, giving james a light kiss before she climbed the stairs to the girls dormitory.

james smiled to himself. one fine day, wasn't it?

uwu i love jily so much

e t h e r e a l (multifandom one-shots) Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu