Chapter 22 - Do you like irony?

Start from the beginning

But then, a feminine voice woke up our blond philosopher. A sweet and soft voice like molten chocolate yet hard and strong as coffee. That voice said.

"Hello there."


"Hello, Félix" said Gabriel.

"Hello uncle. How have you been?" he asked.

"I was ok, but my mood has been changing." he said "Changing as quick as you change sides, I would say."

"That's your problem, my poor uncle." mocked Félix "I was always an enemy. Don't even try to fool yourself, you always saw me like one."

"I had faith that you would change. That you would grow." answered the butterfly miraculous keeper.

"But then I stole the ring. My ring." he completed

"The ring belongs to your aunt, not to you." shoot Gabriel.

"I know aunt Emilie is dead, uncle. Don't try to sell me something I know for a fact that is wrong."

Gabriel's look hardened. He should have started understanding they accessed his private files.

"Nooroo, dark wings rise." he said, activating his miraculous and becoming Hawk Moth.

Lila quickly played her flute, conjuring an illusion, a wall of black smoke, surrounded Gabriel. He answered by making his cane swing, destroying the illusion. He then quickly attacked her melee, and quickly it stopped being a superhero battle to be a fencing duel.

Félix grabbed a lamp stand and pulled Gabriel's neck with it. He of course didn't remember to see in the book that the miraculous would enhance all physical capacities of the wielder, so he ended up being thrown against a painting in the all.

The sound made when Félix crashed against it was funny, as if there was something behind it. In the painting, his aunt Emilie could be seen posing like the Lady in Gold of Gustav Klimt. The battle was still going on in the back. He hoped Lila could hold Gabriel for a little longer.

After inspecting it, Félix found out that the painting was  like a cover to a safe behind. It required to introduce a code. Could it be...

Félix tried 6-6-2-0-1-5 and the safe accepted the answer, and opened yet reluctant to show what he was hiding. A book, a brooch and some papers.

Félix felt instantly attracted by the brooch. Could it be...

As soon as he touched it, a dark blue ball of energy started dancing around Félix. A strange creature that resembled a peacock showed up as the ball was dissipated.

"Hello. I'm Duusu, the Kwami of emotions. Are you my new master?" asked the creature.

"A- I... I guess so?" answered Félix, not sure of what to say.

The creature was visibly happy, making loops in the air, as if he could just float.

"Yay! We're going to have so much fun together!" he screamed.

So much noise, caught Gabriel's attention. He turned and petrified as he saw the brooch in Félix's hand.

"NO!" he screamed.

"If you want to transform, put the brooch on and say 'Duusu, spread my feathers'." said the kwami.

Félix quickly put the brooch on and did as Duusu commanded.

"Duusu, spread my feathers!" he screamed, activating the peacock miraculous for the first time since it was repaired.

His skin turned dark blue and his eyeballs red. His body was covered with what looked like a dress robe and a cape, ending both like a set of feathers like the ones peacocks have in their tails. In his hand a hand fan appeared. He felt strong, powerful.

"You will pay for this, Félix." said Gabriel.

"It's Master Peacock for you, Hawk Moth." he replied.

Félix jumped to Gabriel's head and threw his fan, making it spin fast like a shuriken. He used his cane to defend himself, but Félix caught the fan in middle air and closed it, using it to block Gabriel's attacks.

Behind him, Lila was catching her breath. An akumatized villain was surely weaker than a miraculous wielder. But, out of nowhere, she casted an illusion, making herself invisible. Félix didn't understand her idea, until he saw Hawk Moth's brooch coming out of his costume and, slowly, Gabriel getting tired, and tired and his costume starting to fade.

In no time, he was just Gabriel Agreste, the fashion designer and Lila was at his side with the butterfly miraculous on her hand.

"Fly to me, my akuma, your job is done." she said, making the akuma leave her necklace.

She then threw it away and put the brooch in it's place. A purple ball of energy appeared and a small light purple creature appeared. It looked confounded, as if it was trying to understand what was happening.

He then suddenly realized someone took the miraculous from Gabriel. At first, he seemed relieved, and then said cordially.

"Greetings, I'm Nooroo, the Kwami of transmition." it said.

"Hello Nooroo, I'm Lila Rossi, your new mistress." she said.

The Kwami look's hardened. She obviously wasn't what he was expecting. Félix felt that the Kwami stopped being relieved to be scared.

"Y-Yes, my mistress." he said.

"Nooroo, dark wings rise!" he said.

And Lila started transforming. When process was complete, she looked beautiful. A grey dress with several patters frills resembling butterflies with several details in purple, grey high-heels and a mask covering her entire head, only leaving the mouth and the eyes. But even without seeing her hair or her face, there was something so feminine about her, and not just the clothes. She was obviously what someone would call a bad girl.

"You will never leave this mansion with the miraculous..." said Gabriel.

"No." replied Félix "Not until I have this back."

He quickly grabbed Gabriel's hand and took the wedding band.

"At last, both the Graham de Vanity Twin Rings are back to where they belong." said Félix.

He felt hate and curiosity in the air. The peacock miraculous should be giving him the ability to detect other's emotions. Obviously Gabriel was feeling hate and Lila curiosity, but Félix wondered if it would be always that simple.

"I am-" started Lila.

"Impressed?" suggested Félix "Yeah, I know. Being the wielder of the peacock miraculous has it's perks."

"Lila, please..." tried to say Gabriel.

"It's Eagle Moth to you, my dear." she said "And now I'm wondering..."

She rose her hand and the akuma flew to it. Covering the dark butterfly with her other hand, it quickly returned to normal and was evilized again.

" you like irony?"

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