Part 1

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I fixed up chapter 1 and 2 a little bit and their may be some things in the two chapter's that I've changed around so it will seem different then before

" Y/N time to get out of bed right now young lady "
My mum yelled from the kitchen I got out of my bed and got ready for school I
hate my life my parents are both Christian's and also very very strict they never let me have any free time, always schedule at my days and they have rules that I have to follow.

'the rules'

* be home by 6pm
* no sleepovers
* no hangout with not approved friends
* only 1 hour of phone time a day
* go to church every Sunday
* all study's and chores must be done no matter what
* no boyfriend's without approval
And the biggest rule of all * no trusting anyone who worships the devil's

I sigh and finished putting on my school uniform my parents putted me into a Christian school and well I don't have any friends at that school because..... well I think definitely then my classmates ...*sigh*...I wish I was at a school there I would meet new people, make new friends and not feel like an outsider.

I go down star's to see my mother and father at the table my dad with his newspaper in hands and my mum putting breakfast on the table.
" finally now sit down and eat or you'll be late for school " my mother in a toned voice said as she placed my breakfast on the plate
I sat at the table and just eat and ignored her.
" Y/N don't forget you have violin patience when you get home from school " my father said as he putted down his newspaper
" yes father "
I finished my breakfast, grabbed my bag and I was about to leave when my mum stopped me.
" hold on young lady your not going anywhere without this " my mum then hanged me my crossed necklace my mother and father hade one too and they never leave home with out, I put it on my neck and went out the door and started my trail to school.

I made it just in time before the bell rang Once I got to school I went inside and did my usual classes for the day

'Class schedule'

8:50 am: school starts
9 am: assemble
10 am: science
11 am: maths 
12 pm: lunch
1pm: biology
2pm: English
3pm: home time

* time skip to 3pm *
" Finally the day is over and I can go home " I said as I walked out of school and made my way home but just as I was about to leave the gates I heard some call my name.
" hey Y/N  haven't seen you all day "
I turned around and saw it was Justin god I really didn't like that guy he always tried to go out with me he's parents were both priests at are local church my parents want me to go out with him but he was definitely not my type.
" oh hey Justin how nice to see you " I said in a uncomfortable voice
" yeah i know it is great to see me isn't it so Y/N I was wondering if you wanna hang out with me on Saturday what do you say " he said as he wrap his arm around my shoulder which made me feel very uncomfortable.
" oh I would love too but I'm busy on that day "
" oh well...but if you change your mind let me know " he winks at me and walks away finally i got out of the gates and made my way home.

on the way I walk past this forest that kinda look like a forest from a horror movie or book's its trees looked green and grey and their was fog coming from the inside while I was walking past it I heard this strange voice coming from the woods that got my attention.
* come this way *
It sounded like the voice was calling for me I tried walking away but the voice keep on going
* come this way *
Maybe that voice is calling for me I thought about going into the forest to find that voice but another thought came up if my parents found out about this they would hit me on my wrist with their weather wrists whips but if I don't tell them everything will be fine and I want some excitement for once in my life so I made the decision and went into the forest.
* good keep going *
The voice said as I keep going deeper and deeper into the forest I past so many trees I didn't know where this voice was leading me too I just hope it's not in a cave or if it's a prank.
* you're here *
I heard the voice said until it stop and I saw that it lead me to a huge tree and on that tree was a mysterious symbol carved into it I've never seen anything like it before it didn't match to any other devil and demon since I've learn'd in my classes.

 * you're here *I heard the voice said until it stop and I saw that it lead me to a huge tree and on that tree was a mysterious symbol carved into it I've never seen anything like it before it didn't match to any other devil and demon since I've l...

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I wanted to get a closer look so I walked closer to the tree.
* touch the symbol *
The voice came back and now it want me to touch it I wasn't sure because my parents and teachers told me to never touch anything that look too suspicious or too devil/demon like.

I got to distracted by the voice like it was putting a mind control over me, I raised my hand up to the symbol and putted my four finger in the middle I then felt a shock threw my body and in my left collar bone i fell on my knees it hurt a bit like a electric shock threw my body but then after a minute it stop I got up and quickly ran out of the forest in a hurry.
" what was that......this was a bad idea I never should have gone in the forest, I never should have touched that symbol on the tree I gotta get home and figure this out "

* time skip when Y/N got home *
I got home and went into my room to practice my violin while I was playing I couldn't stop think about the symbol on the tree and the forest.
* what did that symbol do to me I hope it didn't put a curse or any evil in me if it did my parents would be so mad they would throw holy water at me....ok.....ok Y/N relax, stay calm and everything will be alright.
" Y/N dinner's ready " I heard my mum yelling
" coming mother "
I putted my violin away and went down stairs for dinner.

' While having dinner my parents kept on encouraging me to go out with Justin saying how a great couple we would be and how he would make a great husband for me in the future, I hade enough after that I excuse myself earlier from dinner and went back to my bed room I putted on my pyjamas and got into my bed I was tired of being my parents perfect daughter I wanted to run away and never come back I just hope my dream tonight would be a happy dream as I was sleeping I felt a pain in my left collar bone it felt like fire was burning on my skin I thought about screaming but if I did I would wake up my parents so I tried to be brave and slept threw it even though it was really hard I wasn't going to let the pain ruin my dreams.

* dang that girls got some bravery in her me-like *
* she's handling the pain she's definite then the other girls *
* I knew she be perfect *
* we'll see you soon Y/N *

The bride of three demons ( demon todobakudeku x human reader )Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu