Chapter Two: Nice to Meet You

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Billy's eyes flickered from the front of the room to the far left seat in the corner, and back again. He kept his distinctly blue eyes focused forward, but every now and again he would let his attention slip to the girl sitting in the far chair.

"Tonight's homework is going to be taking notes on pages 258-", the teacher droned on in the front of the classroom, but Billy wasn't listening to what she was saying. His focus was elsewhere.

Swiftly, and almost without prior planning, Billy reached down and grabbed a half ripped piece of notebook paper from his backpack. Quickly, he scribbled a note on it and crumpled the paper into a tight ball, keeping his eyes facing forward and pretending that he was focusing on whatever pointless crap the teacher was saying. His light ashy brown hair slightly swayed with his quick and rigid hand movements as he tried to keep the sound of the crumpling paper quiet, holding the paper below his desk as he crushed it together.

Again, Billy stole a look over at the girl in her seat and with one clean movement, launched the paper ball through the air, returning his hand back to his desk immediately. The teacher continued writing on the board, paying no notice to the note-tossing. Again facing forward toward the white board up front, the boy tried to look enthralled by the homework assignment being written on the board.

The girl, sitting a couple of rows diagonal to Billy, felt the thin prick of the paper ball hitting her chair and leaned down to grab it. She began to quietly unfold the intricately crumpled paper and focused on the messy, scribbled writing inside.

"What the hell is wrong with you today? -BB" the roughly written note said. The autographed initials at the bottom of the message, "BB", made the girl smile slightly. As if she didn't know who was throwing notes at her in class instead of texting her, like every other modern day teenager would do. The only one with the guts to throw something in this classroom, the only one who didn't give a shit what the teacher would do to him- Billy Batson. The girl let herself smile a small bit and looked over at Billy, the brown haired boy sitting in the back of the room, glancing at her through the corner of his eye. She raised her eyebrows and pursed her lips at him, giving him the strong understanding that they would "Talk about it later." Her facial expression could have also easily been interpreted as a "Shut the fuck up," but Billy, the reciever of the facial signal, knew her better than that.

Only minutes later, when the school bell finally rang, the teacher began to spit out some last minute instructions to the students, but they were already out of their chairs and walking out, backpacks in hand. The brunette boy clumsily grabbed his grey backpack from his chair, almost tripping over his feet and the excitement of the end of a school day. The boy was slim and toned, his arms clearly muscular through his blue t-shirt, but he wasn't especially confident. He gave off a more humble, knowing feeling that made people who looked at him wonder why he could ever be so content with who he was. He casually walked over to the girl in the corner chair, the reciever of his note, and stood there, leaning on the nearby desk and she finished stuffing her books into her bag.

"Loved the note. Tossing notes across class is so 90's, but I respect your methods," the girl said, sensing that he'd come over to her. "And I thought it was really beautifully written. You're a poet with words." She let a small smirk show through, but didn't dare to make eye contact with him. She kept her head down on her bag, her eyes fixed on cramming her thick textbook into a undersized ripped green backpack. In all reality, she was probably having such a hard time putting everything in her bag because she wasn't really focusing on the task.

The boy smiled at her, his eyes searching hers for the normal spark that he saw everyday. "Well I guess you're as sassy as usual, so that's a comfort." He paused, smiled, and reminded himself of the topic.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2020 ⏰

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