
Start from the beginning

Zion turned his head.

"I heard everything as per usual." He motioned to zipping his lips, locking the key and throwing over the balcony.

"It's not by choice, never really is. I just sit in silence and—"

"Go on, B."

He smiled before jogging down the steps to wherever he was going.

Zion finally got inside the apartment, tossing the bag into their sacred cabinet full of many more, taking the contents once within into the room with him. He pinched his hood off his head before peering around the corner to see her sitting on the sink, weeping.

Furrowing his eyebrows, he set the pregnancy test box and the Pepto-Bismol to the side of her. She looked up to see him and sucked her teeth.


"Don't look at me like that I'm fine. I just don't feel good." She grabbed a tissue and wiped her tears quickly.

He placed his hand on her thigh. "I could've told you that but I don't think that's why you're crying right now," He then takes the pink medicine and untwist the cap, handing it to her.

"Here. Drink it."

She grabs it and gulps down half of the bottom. He watched in astonishment. "Not that much!"

"Blegh. No, I needed it. I just hate that it doesn't taste like bubble gum." She licked her lips.

He nodded. "Yea."

Amari looked to the side of her and grabbed the box, letting out a loud breath. She looked up at Zion, who stood in front of her now, eyeing her closely to see how she really felt.

But nothing. She tapped it twice and simply said. "I have to pee, so."

"Okay." He was nervous ever so suddenly.

Awkwardly, Z made his way out of the bathroom and sat on the bed, staring at the blank TV. Much like Amari did when she first got here. Now that he's delving into the thought, he would've never thought they'd get this far. Hell, be this close. She might have his baby in her stomach as he zoned out.

The toilet flushed and he never felt the urge to run out of a room so quick. He snapped himself out of the panicking mindset the best he could. The faucet turned on and he heard her humming again.

Amari walks out of the bathroom. "I got a little pee on my hands, that was gross." She kind of laughed.

"Where is it?" He asked, almost overlapping her words.

She pointed behind her. "On the sink. We have to wait for a little. Plus, if they worked that fast I wouldn't look at it right away."

Her face fell as she watched Z pick at his fingers like an oversized child. It was definitely having a larger effect on him than it was her. Now that she was aware, she realized she was brushing it off her shoulder like it was nothing big.

"Hey, are you okay?" She looked at him, as he made brief eye contact before focusing back on his fingers.

He simply pursed his lips. "I'm good."

She took a few steps behind her and picked up the test from off the counter. She didn't want to look at it right away so she held it up to Zion's face, which grew with fear.

He began to squint like he couldn't see. One line meaning not pregnant, two lines meaning pregnant. Once he saw two he leaned back away from it and looked her, then back at the test. She nervously bit her fingers.


"No?" She turned around and looked back at the test. It was very surprising to both. It was surely enough one line straight down. Though she was the one denying it, she's actually been pretty sure she was. With the caliber she was throwing up, it didn't make sense. Her heart dropped.

"There's many other things. Thank God you aren't pregnant," He let out a sigh of relief. Offended, she threw the test at him.

"Zion, what the fuck?"

He got up quickly. "We aren't at the part of our relationship where we take care of some else when we are still dealing with our own shit. So yes, thank God."


caring isn't for everyone | z.k •PRETTYMUCH AU•Where stories live. Discover now