Tea party

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I hadn't seen Tsukasa since that day. I wondered if I would ever see him again.

Something caught my eye. Was that yashiro? I moved a little closer to get a better view. That was her,she was blushing with another boy.Was she cheating on hanako. It wasnt that I didnt trust her, I was just curious. So I follower them.

They stopped infront of a large door. The place was secluded.Hanako‐ no Tsukasa appeared out of no where, throwing water on to yashiro. she disappeared. How can that be possible, there must be some trick
I came closer to see what was happening. Tsukasa had a fish in his hand, which as weird as it may sound, looked like yashiro. He opened his mouth bringing her close.

No matter how jealous I was of her, i was not going to let her get eaten alive like that.
"Stop!" I cried "Give yashiro back."

"Eehhh, but we were just going to have tea.y/n why dont you join us."
I know I should have gone with them. But he looked so cute.

I walked into the room. There was a table in the middle with chairs surrounding it.
On one of them sat a girl with green hair. I think I've seen her around school before. It wasnt long before yashiro woke up. And the first thing she said
To the green haired girl was " Your hanako–kun's girlfriend"

Tsukasa and the guy who had brought yashiro started bamabardeing her with questions. Due to which sakura had to scold them to shut up.

Yashiros face lit up on seeing a familiar face. "Y/n sempai!! what are you doing here? Did you get captured as well?"

" I.." before I could even say anything Tsukasa interrupted. "I invited her."

Sakura and yashiro talked for sometime about different things. I didnt pay attention to what they were saying, I was too busy eating and looking at Tsukasa. Sakura was right he does remind me of a cat.

The next thing I heard was yashiro screaming  "Noo what Is this chair." 

The chair had turned into a monster. I closed my eyes waiting for the same to happen to me. Nothing happened. I slightly open my eyes to see Tsukasa. He was too close to me. "Are you scared? Dont worry you werent part of this, so I wont hurt you." He grabbed my arm and dragged me out. My heart skipped a beat.
What was that? Do I perhaps.. no it couldn't be. Why was I falling for people so quickly. How can one person fall for two people at the same time? And they are both brothers!!.
I dismissed the thought. Right now I have to help yashiro somehow. Freeing myself from Tsukasa grip i ran to find hanako, to tell him of the situation.

Soon hanako had brought back yashiro and embraced her with a hug. 'Welcome home' he had said

I wonder where is the place where I can call my home.


I personally dont like how this chapter came out.  Lately I cant seem to write anything. :(
But I hop you like it.

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