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I woke up alone, again. Last night, Leiana came back to to the hut without saying a word to me. She slept next to me but she felt a world apart, she even flinched when I tried to cuddle with her when she came to bed. I don't understand what went wrong, but honestly I didn't have the headspace to care. All I could think of was that fucking voice that kept on taunting me. Ever since I saw that motherfucker in my dream, he has been infiltrating my every thought. Everything I do, he is just there.

 I made my way slowly to the training area, just to see Leiana with a million books surrounding her, she must have woken up early to study. 

"She wants to betray you, you are worthless to her"

You have got to be fucking kidding me, Will he ever leave me alone?

"No my apprentice, trust me..she wants to discard you.."

Shut up...

 "Just as your parents did, you are nothing to her like you were to them"  

Shut up!!

I had my head in my hands and I was on the ground, He was making me crazy.

"I can help you my dear boy, just give in to me" 

I spoke up this time "Never! Just leave me alone!" 

That was louder than I thought it would be; Leiana looked up at me, her expression blank and focused. Was she not concerned?

I shook the thought away and walked to join her on the ground. As soon as I sat down, she stood up and grabbed a bunch of books before walking off. She made up some excuse like she wasn't feeling well and quickly walked off. I knew she was lying, we are connected..I know everything about her. 

I sat by myself for what felt like hours before making my way back to the hut, hoping to check in on Leiana. Hopefully I could get some insight into why she has been acting so weird lately. As soon as I entered the hut I noticed her immediately, she was fast asleep on the floor. I smiled and sighed, grabbing a blanket from the bed. I leaned down to put it on her, but she opened her eyes and clutched her side jolting awake..she looked scared. 

"Fuck Issac you scared me, what are you doing here?" She asked, her voice way more serious than normal.

"I was checking in on you, plus you looked cold on the floor so take this blanket" I said, smiling and handing her the blanket. She took it from me quickly, muttering a thank you and looking down at the floor.

I kneeled down to her level and looked at her, she wasn't even looking in my direction. I lightly grabbed her chin and tilted her head up to look at me, I could feel her entire body tighten as I did that. "Sleep well." I said, not having the energy to question her as I left the hut. I could hear her take a deep breath as soon as I left. 

My entire body shook with anger as I walked further away from the hut, my breathing becoming ragged and uneven. All I could see was her tensing as I touched her, how did we go from fucking making out every day to her not looking at me at all? I could feel the anger coursing through my veins, clouding all of my thoughts. She was all I could see, all I wanted to do was read her mind. Was she afraid of me or someone else? How could I help her? I thought I was her person...

The thoughts became overwhelming, I sat myself down on a cliffs edge, my breathing still uneven. The sea air wasn't calming me as it normally would, all I could feel was anger, I swear my vision was turning red. 

"Good my apprentice, fuel your anger..give into it"

I gripped at my hair, trying to pull his voice out of my head, I wanted him gone. 

"Keep feeling this anger Issac, use it, you need it to be the best. You are doing so well" 

My vision became cloudy as I screamed, the buzzing in my head becoming deafening. In a blink..the voice was gone. Everything hit me all at once, I let him get to me like I was seeking his approval. 

What the fuck was wrong with me? 


Issac is an angry and sad boi lol

anyways I hope you guys enjoyed this (shorter) chapter, I thought it was a good contrast compared to the longer last chapter! 

So, what do you guys think Issac will do...will he give in to the voice or thrive on his own?

Remember to vote and comment, all of that is so appreciated!!


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