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all I felt was cold.
darkness surrounded me.
where was I?
I looked up, nothing was surrounding me for miles.
then I heard the screams, strong and blood curdling screams.
where were they coming from?
my head started to hurt, like a million bees were stuck in my head.
everything was fuzzy and unknown.

Fuck..that was a one hell of a nightmare. I looked over at my clock, 6:30am, way earlier than I had planned to wake up. Might as well get some flying in before everyone wakes up. I rolled myself out of bed, throwing on a sweater and tights. I really hope no one else is out there, I want to have my X wing to myself today.

It was a beautiful day out, cold but the sun was out. I swear that this planet has the most greenery in the whole galaxy, it was stunning. I walked quickly towards the landing area, hoping to avoid anyone.

"Hey Leiana, wait up!"

well fuck.

I turned around seeing Ryder jogging towards me. Ryder was a boy I went to school with, He was a nice guy I guess but I wasn't in the mood to socialize.

"Hi Ryder, why are you up this early"

"I couldn't sleep so I decided to go for a walk. Why are you up this early Leia?"

I cringed, I hate when he calls me Leia. That name holds too much power and I don't deserve it. He is the only one who calls me that, it's like he knows it makes me upset.

"Same reason actually, so I decided to get some flying in before Poe got here."

"Cool, can I come with?" he said with a horribly cheesy smile

"Sure, I guess. But I am not letting you fly"


I started walking quickly towards the landing area, silently hoping I would outrun Ryder.

Once we got to the jet, I opened the cockpit and let myself in. Ryder stumbled into the cockpit as well. I put on my helmet and I immediately calmed down. I was forgetting all about my weird dream and what it means.

"Ryder, you ready?" I said into my headset

"As ready as I'll ever be, Leia"

I rolled my eyes "don't call me that please"

"Okay your highness"

God I could hear the smirk in his voice.

I tried to ignore him as I started up the jet. All the buttons lit up like a Christmas tree, now this is where the fun begins. The jet got moving and we started rolling out. We started to pick up traction and finally we were taking off. The base looked so small now, I couldn't even keep the smile from my face as we started flying higher. This was why I loved flying, the freedom and adrenaline. All I saw for miles was a wave of green and mountains.

"You okay over there? I haven't heard you speak in like five minutes Leiana" Ryder said through his headset.

Damn I forgot he was here.

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