"I'm feeling like some ramen. That cool with you?"

Ethan nods with a small smile tugging on his lips, leaning back in the seat. They'd definitely be late getting back to school... but he never skipped. He could handle missing one class.

Funnily enough, their next class is chemistry that they have together. Aphrodite probably shouldn't miss it, but her grade is a C+ now. She wasn't at risk to fail by missing one class, so she could take a day to get some ramen with Ethan.

They pull up to the ramen shop, which is mostly empty since it's an off hour. That means they're served pretty fast, though some of the old people are giving them dirty looks when they laugh too hard. Unlike their day at the grocery store, Ethan doesn't let it bother him this time.

"So, wait, have you spoken to Miranda again since the party?" Aphrodite asks. Ethan shrugs, meaning he hasn't really tried. "Oh my god, give me your phone."

"I don't think she's into me," he mumbles, pouting but handing it to her anyway.

Ethan: hey
Ethan: haven't had a chance to talk to you recently
Miranda: i was wondering when I'd hear from you
Miranda: if I'm being honest, i hoped you'd kiss me at the party
Ethan: you were pretty drunk, I didn't wanna do anything that made you uncomfortable
Ethan: but we should hangout soon.
Miranda: I'd like that.
Miranda: you should come over on Saturday
Ethan: Saturday it is :) I'll text you for your address and stuff then

"There, done. How easy was that?" She smirks triumphantly, handing the phone back to Ethan. He chokes, eyes widening as he reads them over. "And you thought she didn't like you."

"Oh my god... Aph, Saturday? T-that's so soon, I don't--" he sputters, cutting himself off. "I don't know if I'm ready to hangout with her on Saturday."

"We'll get you ready! It'll be fun, E," she promises, grabbing his left hand to calm him down. "That's like, four days away."

Though she was smiling, assuring him it would be fun, there was a small pit forming in her stomach. Aphrodite shook it off, continuing to eat and talk with him.

Ethan was nervous, obviously. But there was still a cheesy grin on his face--Miranda wanted to hangout with him.

"You look excited," Aphrodite comments. He was bouncing on his feet as they walked back to the car, giving her a small, unsure nod.

"Yeah... yeah. It's nerve-wracking, but she already said yes? Miranda wants to hangout," he says, playing with his fingers. "I-I just gotta not be too awkward. That's it--wait, is this gonna be like, a date?"

"Probably," Aphrodite shrugs, seeing him get visibly more nervous. "I'll help you, yeah? Your first date. It'll go fine, promise."


Ethan is strolling through the halls with his head down like usual. There was a little bit more of a kick in his step, still filled with excitement from Miranda saying yes. He wasn't technically the one to ask her, but she thought he was, which was what mattered.

He swung his locker door open, stuffing some books away. Before he could finish grabbing his things, someone slams his locker shut again.

"What--" Ethan sighs, seeing a smirking Rachel. "H-hey."

"Hey, Dolan," she laughs, biting her lip. "I don't know why I never noticed how cute you really are."

He scrunches his eyebrows up lightly, her hand being placed on his bicep. It was already strange that no one really bothered him today, but this was especially new. It had to be because of Aphrodite standing up for him yesterday.

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