minoru mineta || favourite fruit

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gender neutral reader
some kind of twisted fluff/ooc mineta
maybe nsfw? god idk

"I'm sick of you peeping at our class Mineta...it's just so unmanly!" Kirishima held a fist to his chest, eyes shut tight as he hissed, annoyed. Class 2-A was busy getting changed after some light training at gym gamma, and Mineta had once again found a loophole in the placement of the changerooms, spying on a couple of the girls as they got undressed through a hole in the wall.

"Calm down, Kirishima...they won't notice, after all, y/n is the hottest of them all and I spy on them almost every day. Sucks they aren't here today...they're hot, sexy, and-" Before the purple-haired weirdo could continue his nasty babbling, Bakugou took it upon himself to push his burning palm into his face to shut him up. 

"Get the fuck away from that hole in the wall before I blast you to hell, you perv." He said, (almost too calmly for comfort) everyone in the boy's changeroom glaring daggers at the tiny pervert except Kaminari who was whistling in the corner, trying to look innocent with a blush on his face.

Mina heard the commotion from the other side of the thick wall, shouting to Bakugou and thanking him for defending them once again. This was the third time this week (It was only Tuesday) that Mineta had pulled something like this, and Aizawa was desperately trying to get the wall fixed while shoving out any punishment he could to the excuse of a boy.

Bakugou easily tossed Mineta into the opposite corner of the locker room, scoffing as everyone continued to change into their uniforms. The overall aura of the room had changed, now, most of the boys extremely annoyed with Mineta's actions at this point. He sat in the corner after rubbing his head for a bit, wiping the drool from the cheeks and smiling evilly.

'If that's how it is, I'll just have to be more discrete next time.'


The next day arrived, and you were finally able to go back to school after being stuck sick in your dorm room for 4 days. It was nice to see your classmates again, especially Kaminari and Mineta. You took your seat as the bell for the start of class rang, sitting right behind your two friends.

"Hey guys, look what I found last night," You tapped their shoulders with a smirk on your face, Mineta and Kaminari turning in an instant to look at the phone pointed to their faces. It was a trending meme, something fresh that the three of you hadn't seen before. Their jaws dropped in an instant, amazed at the sheer beauty in front of their eyes. "I know right. Check this out though, this other person made it even funnier!" You laughed quietly, snickering with them as you scrolled through more of the memes, Aizawa oblivious to the situation as he started teaching.

Bakugou sneered from across the class, knowing exactly what was going on. As soon as you joined U.A, it seemed every boy and girl was interested in you. You were kind, funny, and a great student, but you hung out with those people, way more than your other friends it seemed. Why them? All you did was encourage their bad habits, and anyone with a bit of common sense would never let their perverted actions slide. 

The biggest problem was that now the worst possible person had a major crush on you- that person being Mineta. Since you usually hung out with him and Kaminari the most, he developed a liking for you that practically everyone in the class knew about. It was mostly lustful in the beginning...but he did declare one time he'd be up to hold your hand as if it were the rarest thing he'd ever do with you.

What shocked everyone the most is that you seemed not to mind. You still hung out with him after his confession, which was basically just him blowing you a kiss and leaving a horribly written love note taped to your door, and laughed it off like it was nothing. You two were odd to say the least, but you accepted everyone for who they were, even if they were just a hopeless loser like he was. And as the months passed by, he stopped staring at the people in his class and focused on you a lot more than usual, his gross tendencies declining drastically.

After class had ended and it was time for lunch one day, you were seated with the bakusquad along with Mineta as they chatted amongst themselves. You and Mineta had been texting about the homework assigned to you, figuring out a solution to one of the questions on your worksheet since you were the second smartest in the group. Bakugou wouldn't allow Mineta within 2 metres from him, so it was tough to sit in a group like this and talk to him face to face.

After giving him the answers and thanking him for not annoying Bakugou, you decided it was finally time to confess your love to him. He had gotten so much better at controlling himself, and to be honest? He wasn't as bad as people thought anymore. He had respect for women, he grew quite a bit, too, and he wasn't constantly staring at somebody's ass like he was when you first met him. The class appreciated you taming him, and you grew to like him just as he liked you.

You quickly excused yourself from your table, pulling him towards the exit of the cafeteria. He happily trailed along, smirking at your eagerness to be alone with him. Did he predict things correctly? Were you finally going to push him against the wall and obliterate him with your love?

"Mineta, I have something to tell you. This might be overdue, but I've seen you grow as a person, literally- pfft," You stared at his taller form, thinking back to when he was a stubby toe. "and mentally. You're...actually pretty decent now. So...I like you, and if you want, you can be my boyfriend." You confessed, crossing your arms and looking to the side, avoiding his eyes.

"HELL YES! You have no idea how long I've been waiting for you to say that, y/n. Fuck yeah, you're so hotttt-" He leaned in for a kiss, puckering his lips while you panicked and shoved him away as Aizawa turned the corner, about to catch you simping for a nasty smelly boy.

"Not now- oh my god, we'll deal with this later, Aizawa is gonna kick our asses if he finds us kissing here, Mineta. You're too eager." You laugh, pulling him back towards your table as the group eyes you down, curious as to what just happened.

"What's up, y/n? Why'd you leave?" Kirishima asked, confused as the rest of the group hummed except for bakugou, curious to know as well.

"Oh, I just had to pick me up some of my favourite fruit, you know, grapes?" You smiled, slapping an arm over Mineta's shoulders and pulling him to your side and laughing at Bakugou's reaction, watching him gag. 

Ohhh. Your friends rolled their eyes at your joke, Kaminari giving you two a thumbs up and laughing along with you.

911 operator: Hello, what is your emergency?

Me: Hi yes I need a nintendo switch, preferably the original one or the pink lite version and animal crossing new horizons please donate money to me I am poor and broke and sad :(((

911 operator: *hangs up*

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2020 ⏰

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