katsuki bakugou || blind date

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(slightly ooc bakugou due to his older age)

katsuki bakugou wasn't one to seek out relationships, and if simple friendships weren't super important to his now 19-year-old self, then he could obviously care less about romance at this point.

at least he thought he could care less.

'who needs an extra person to worry about when it's already hard to take care of yourself sometimes, damn it' had become a regular excuse of his whenever his friend group from high school questioned him about his love life, a topic that gradually started coming up more and more as most of katsuki's former classmates started to date after graduating from U.A.

it annoyed the short-tempered-blond anytime he saw someone he knew out at a hero banquet or special event with their significant other being all lovey-dovey and happy together when all he could do was sit and watch in agony. to tell the truth, he felt a ton of guilt whenever he was interviewed by the media and the frequent question 'so, ground zero, is there anyone you're secretly interested in?' rolled around, knowing he didn't have a single person on his mind to answer the microphones with. 

becoming a pro-hero had been his top priority since the age of four, but now that katsuki actually had the title of 'professional hero' beside his name on every billboard, poster and figurine of himself, he'd begun to question what else was left to accomplish in his life other than becoming number one.


"dude, are you seriously not gonna go? i set everything up for you like, a week in advance! she was super hard to convince, too." eijirou spoke to his friend, katsuki, as the two young men exited their hero agency faced with a light mist of rain and an orange-purple coloured sky, another hard day of hero work completed. 

katsuki lifted up and snapped opened the lightweight umbrella in his hand, holding it over the two of them as he sighed in annoyance and began to walk beside eijirou again. "eijirou, i told you already, blind dates are stupid. what if she's secretly a villain? what if she's just a straight-up idiot? it's bad enough we have to deal with the ever-lasting league of dimwits every week...i confided in you thinking i wouldn't get shoved into a situation like this, you know." he explained, rolling his eyes as they stopped at a crosswalk.

it was true, katsuki had gotten better at communicating his feelings as the years went by, but his personality most definitely stayed the same. he didn't have a knack for time-wasters, and when he found out this morning that eijirou had set him up for a blind date, he knew it was going to be torture. meeting a random woman at a random place and knowing nothing about her beforehand was not his preferred method of finding a girlfriend.

"aw, c'mon, it'll be fine! i'm pretty sure the staff would know if a villain entered the almost deserted community centre of all places, man. not to mention you're literally a pro hero? we aren't all dumb and helpless, katsuki." the red-head laughed, elbowing his friend and crossing the street with him as the traffic light turned red, causing the cars around them to skid to a stop and let them pass. 

katsuki huffed. he knew he was going to have to suck it up and just go through with it. after all, he did feel pretty lonely most of the time and had more spare time than he really needed. if he did find the right girl this evening, she could change his life for the better, and maybe he wouldn't be as heartless...

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