The Black Paladin

Start from the beginning

Shiro sighed, calming himself down, "Let's focus. How are we going to get Allura and Saoirse?"


I sat next to Allura as we were transported to Zarkon's Central Command. It was the one place we were told to never be, and yet we came because we were selfless and cared more about the others than ourselves. And I had no regrets in following Allura.

"Saoirse, are you all right?" Allura asked. I lifted my head and turned to see Allura with a worried expression.

I smiled, "I'm just fine. A little nervous in seeing the universe's evil overlord, that's all." I chuckled.

She still didn't seem convinced that I was fine, and to be honest, I was not afraid to see Zarkon face to face. I wanted to see the evil that we would wipe from the universe for good, especially when we defeat him.

"Saoirse..." Allura said tearing me away from my thoughts. I turned towards her again and looked into her worried eyes.

"Why... why did you stay behind and get captured with me?" She asked, "Aren't you worried that you might not make it back to the others?"

I softly chuckled, "You seem more worried than I am." I answered, "But I have faith that  we'll be all right, and that's all I need. So, I'm not afraid."


I stared at Saoirse as she spoke, completely confused as to why she could have so much bravery and strength. We were about to meet Emperor Zarkon, the conqueror of the universe, and she says that she's not afraid.

"How can you be so sure that we'll be all right?" I asked, wondering how she was so confident.

She smiled and held a hand to her neck, where I remembered her scar was. She gripped the black cloth over it and pulled it down, revealing the scar to me.

"My scar is usually a good sign when something is going to happen." She said, "When it hurts, something bad is going to happen, but it doesn't hurt now. So that means nothing bad will happen to us. We'll be fine. I can feel it."

I let the cloth cover her scar again and sighed while still keeping that smile on her face.

I looked down, pressing my forehead against my knees and closing my eyes to wait for our arrival at the Cental Command.

Just then, I felt a hand on mine. I didn't have to look up to know who was comforting me. Saoirse was so kind. She didn't deserve to be locked in this prison with me.

We stayed in that position, until we reached the central command. Not talking, not moving, just enjoying each others company.

When we arrived, our hold unlocked, and three cloaked figures appeared in front of us. One of them was an old woman with purple skin and thin white hair.

She looked at the two of us with her glowing yellow eyes, "Come with me." She said.

We did as she told us and stood up to follow her, after the other cloaked people handcuffed us. We walked down the halls followed by two Galra sentries.

We moved onto an elevator platform and waited for the doors to close and bring us to our final destination. When we stopped, the doors opened and revealed a large observation room.

The walls were mostly clear, letting us see the bright shine of the stars surrounding us.

"Allura." Saoirse said looking straight ahead. I followed to where she was looking, and saw our enemy.

It was Zarkon, donned in large red and black armor.

I was seething with rage at the sight of his large armored back as he looked out at the stars.

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