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After homeroom, I made my way to the first class of the day, English. I was late but the teacher had not gotten there yet, so I didn't miss anything except apparently from my whispering peers, some poor kid had gotten a water bottle dumped on his head and then he fell into the plant that was by the door, causing dirt to stick all over his wet clothes.

When the teacher came in moments later, she introduces herself as Ms. York has us take out our textbooks making us read a passage from Romeo and Juliet.

Ten minutes before the end of class, Bryan King walks into the classroom and plops into a chair at the back of the room. "I still get credit right?" He asks Ms. York, smirking at her, "I mean technically I showed up, I just missed the boring lecture."

"That's not how it works, but I'll let you off this time, as long as you turn in the homework." Ms. York says stuttering slightly as she nervously fixes her top. "Well I believe that is all class, you may go." She says she is still flustered and not realizing that she let us out ten minutes early. Everyone scrambled to get out of the room before she realized her mistake but she never did.

After boring math and history classes which Bryan also happened to be in I went to lunch. The lunchroom was packed when I got there and it took a while after getting my lunch to find Brittney and Bella. I found them at a table in the corner away from everyone else, perfect I thought.

When I sat down Brittney looked up and smiled. "So tell me, are there any hot boys in your classes? Did you get any of their numbers?" Brittney asks, putting her head in her hands and looking at the ceiling dreamily.

"Brittney, no, just no. You know perfectly well that even if there was the hottest guy in the world there, I would not have asked for his number and it's not like someone is going to just walk up to me and randomly give me his number." I say rolling my eyes.

"Believe me, I know you better than anyone else, but a girl can dream." Brittney says going back to looking at whatever was on her phone.

"Hey, it's not my fault I'm really bad at talking to boys. I just forget what I was going to say and then there is just silence when I should be talking. You even had me write a conversation on my arm, but he saw me looking at my arm and thought that I was hurt but all that he saw was a list of flirty things to say. I ran away before he realized what it was, but I have never been able to face him again." I say while taking a bite of my pizza.

"Oh yeah, sad really, he was so hot." Brittney says looking up again only to shake her head.

"Really Brittney? I spent two days locked in my room refusing to come out because I was so embarrassed and you are saying it's sad I lost him because he was hot. Remind me why we are friends again?"

"Because you love me, and I'm the only person you know not afraid to state the facts of your love life." Brittney says taking a bite of my pizza.

Suddenly a voice goes through the speaker "Ashley Pierce, please report to the principal's office, Ashley Pierce, please report to the principal's office."

"Ash! What did you do? You have never been to the principal's office in your life, and this is just the first day of school! Who are you and what have you done to Ashley Pierce?" Brittney says dramatically causing even more eyes to fall on our table and whispers to start going around the room.

"I didn't do anything, it must be for something else. Probably just a misunderstanding." I say before quickly rushing to the principal's office. When I get there, I am told to wait outside by the secretary. After the principal had finished talking to the prior guest, I was called into the office. When I sat down the principal smiled at me.

"You must be Ashley Pierce, please have a seat, we are just waiting for-" The principle was interrupted by the door to the office banging open. "Ah, yes, Bryan King."

"What do you want?" Bryan asked not to politely I don't think that he even knew I was in the room, not that that would make him check his attitude.

"I looked at your grades from the past, and have come to the conclusion that you desperately need a tutor, so I am having Ms. Pierce tutor you if she is willing." The principle says moving his calculating stare to me.

"I don't really have a lot of time after school. I have been dancing a lot lately." I say, trying to get out of it. Having to be Bryan's tutor would be a nightmare come true.

The principal sighs "I'm sure you are busy but if you could just fit in a couple hours of tutoring a week, I would greatly appreciate it and it looks good on your report cards when you register for colleges. Can you maybe meet in the library at lunch for half an hour every day except Friday?"

"I guess that works for me." I say unenthusiastically giving in, but the principle was right, tutoring looks really good on report cards.

After we were excused Bryan grabbed my arm and brought me into the corner of the deserted hallway. Slowly he leans in before turning so his mouth is pressed against my ear.

"You better be good at tutoring and help me pass, or you won't like what happens next." He growls before releasing my arm and walking off in the direction of the parking lot.

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