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"Mom!" Hero shouted over his shoulder as he grunted.

"Yes, darling?" Goldilocks replied while swinging her sword at an ogre.

"After we cut these ogres into pieces, can we get something to eat, I'm a little hungry," Hero asked before cutting off an ogre's arm.

"Yeah, I'm hungry!" Nova yelled.

"Yeah, sure thing, darling!" Goldilocks shouted back.

Hero was a handsome looking 17-year-old boy who was around 5'9", he had wavy brunette hair and hazel eyes, and he was always good with either a sword or combat. Hero took on another ogre and stabbed him in the chest with his sword, he could see the blood dripping on the metal blade surface. He didn't notice another ogre going for Nova, and just in the nick of time, Hero threw himself at the ogre's fist, it punched him so hard, he almost flew into the air as he crashed onto the cool night grass.

"HEY, NO FAIR, I HAD HIM!" Nova screamed in her fighting stance with a dagger in her hand.

Nova was a small 9-year-old girl with wavy dirty blonde hair styled with a tight braid on the top left side of her head, sea-blue eyes, and a reckless attitude just like her mother, she was not one to be messed with.

"Ow..." Hero said in pain, but not enough to knock him out.

"You need help, son?" Jack asked.

"Nah, I'm fine." Hero grunted.

Just before the ogre could grab him by his neck, Hero sprung back up and punched the ogre hard, so hard it knocked the ogre out.

"Good job, Hero!" Jack shouted.

"Now we can go get a bite to eat," Goldilocks said.


"Have a nice birthday and summer, Elizabeth." Her aunt hugged her as tightly as she could and went to pack her children's things up.

Right. It was her birthday the next day. Elizabeth didn't even know it was possible, but apparently, it was. That meant she could finally learn to drive! She'd wanted to learn for as long as she could remember, and now there was a possibility that it was soon.

Alex lifted her big duffel bag over her shoulder and turned to face Bree as her brother opened the door for her.

"Thank you for everything, you guys!" Alex said at the foot of the door of Elizabeth's house.

"No, thank you, you've helped us out so much," Bree said.

"Well, it was so nice to see you guys again, I wish we could stay here for your birthday Elizabeth, but we promise we'll be back as soon as possible!" Alex said reassuringly.

They all said their last goodbyes and Alex and Arthur left with their kids in their black SUV. Arthur drove into the woods as far as he could, and then Alex shrunk the car with her wand.

"Alright, I can take off the spell now," Alex told her husband and her kids.

"That's a relief, although, the spell is very helpful because my mouth wouldn't move when I almost blurted out home," Arthur said.

Alex chuckled, then waved her wand and tapped the air lightly, centimetres away from each of their mouths.

"Now I can talk about unicorns!" Alana exclaimed.

Right when Alex was about to open a portal back to the fairy kingdom, Alana screamed, "OGRE!"

Alex set off her magic by accident, and instead of opening a portal to the fairy kingdom, she opened a portal to Dwarfs Forest.

"AHHHHHH!" Alana screamed.

"Alex! Alana fell!" Arthur exclaimed.

Alex rushed over to help her daughter before she even remembered to close the portal.


"You guys can go inside first, I just need a sec outside." Hero told his parents and sister.

"Sure dear, we'll be waiting for you," Goldilocks said.

Hero stood alone outside for a minute, deep in his thoughts, but right when he was about to turn and go into the tavern he heard a small buzzing noise. When Hero turned back to look at who was there, he saw a portal right in front of his eyes! Hero had heard rumours about portals leading into another world, but he'd always thought that they were nothing more than that. Rumours. But the portal was proof of its existence, and Hero wasn't gonna wait to learn more.

He cautiously put one foot onto the ground on the other side of the portal. He felt no pain or anything, just the wind blowing past his face from his world. Another foot, then his whole body through the portal. He looked around, but it seemed like no one was around. He was in what looked like a forest, with sticks and leaves that littered the ground and moonlight that shone through the countless amount of tall green trees.

Hero walked through the forest to see a road. But it looked different to the roads that he had back home; these ones had yellow and white lines in the middle of them. Shiny cars drove past him at a lightning speed as Hero watched in awe. He probably looked really stupid, standing at the side of the road with his mouth partly open.

The world really was real. And there was so much to learn.

The End's Beginning- TLOSOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora