Fine art stupidity

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"Much better thanks. Most of the feeling is coming back." Slader's arm had been reattached to his body by a healer.

Arther was crying over Merlin's petrified body, while Growther was standing emotionless beside him.

My body felt numb. When I woke up I had found a bronze necklace around my neck. All I found myself able to do was rub it. Why Merlin why not me. If only I had a way save her.

"I'm sorry Merlin. Your always protecting me, but when it came down to it I couldn't protect you." Arther tears fell on to Merlin's body. I put my hand upon Arther's shoulder. My somber face met his grief-stricken one. I nodded which caused him to cry harder.

"A man shouldn't go on crying forever. I'm sure even Big Sister would even say so." Slader tried to comfort him, but to no prevail.

"I know you mean well, but I'm certain Merlin is disappointed in me." Arther's statement almost brought me to tears.

"We'll only know for sure when Merlin wakes up and tells us." Meliodas walked into the room with Elizabeth by his side helping him walk.

"Meliodas have your wounds healed?" Obviously they haves but I want to say if he would tell the truth. I don't know why but it felt like I had experience in the medical field.

"Nope. Not at all."  And he started to grope poor Elizabeth why was he like this?

"So you mind telling me what out there. It's not like Galand to leave without finishing us off." Meliodas's statement is weird, like as if he knew the commandment personally.

Growther did an odd pose, but explained he manipulated Galand's memories so he thought he had killed us all.

"It looks like you're back in your original form Growther. But why are you dressed like that?" I wish Meliodas never asked about the clothes, because he than proceeded to flash them.

The two of them continued their conversation, but I just tuned them out. Where did this necklace come from? The necklace had a bronze chain, and a bronze sun that was between my thumb and index finger.

A bright celestial light brightened the room up. Everyone was staring at me, I shifted my gaze upwards. Above my head was a circle with a lyre in the center.

"Ummm.... guys does any-"  I was interrupted as my necklace turned into a golden bow, and a quiver full of arrows. I pulled out a arrow was tipped with a strange metal I felt like I should know.

"Well..... that's odd. I have never seen a metal like the ones on your arrows before."

"Celestial bronze. A metal mined from the base of Mt. Olympus it purpose was to kill monsters." 1. How do I know this, and 2. Why do I know this? Am I becoming a encyclopedia, like Growther?

The bow turned back into the sun necklace along with the arrows.

"I'm going to go check up on Daine?" It came out as more of a question, but Meliodas nodded with a puzzled look on his face.

I went to the place Daine was in since Merlin died we couldn't make her smaller.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2020 ⏰

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