Author's Note

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Hey guys welcome back. I'm glad you could join me on another amazing journey. That made me sound ike a dork but I don't care, being a dork is a good thing. Anyways back to what I was saying. Thank you for all of the support. Story suggestions are welcome for this story but I might not always use the suggestions. Dont be sad because I have shipped Destiel since Cas appeared on the show so I probably wont need any help though. Just know that I will always be open to your suggestions, but PLEASE, do not give any smut or 18+ suggestions because they will be ignored. I am simply not trying to be rude it's just that I am not comfortable writing smut anymore. If you are sensitive with some word i suggest you go to another story because this one might not be for you because there will be alot of profanity. I am trying to keep the way they speak and the way they act as real as possible.If you respect my wishes I will respect yours. Have a great day!!!!

                                                                                                Yours truely, jaclark9363

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