What you look like before you meet him)

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Yes you can be any Star Wars species from  you want.

But if you want to be human this is what you look like:

Y/n= your name

Y/H=your height

H/l=hair length

H/c= hair colour

S/t= skin tone

Call me bias but you will not be a Jedi in this I know, I know what are you gonna be if your not a Jedi? We'll see and plus I've seen many one shot and scenarios with mostly you as a Jedi i want to make it different.

You were a former bounty hunter but still kicks ass. Your even a tomboy you never wear anything girly not even a dress (unless it's on special occasions. Your a badass bitch. Your also force sensitive (not a Jedi)
Your an Allie to the republic, actually your a soldier (not a clone but working with them) you believe that clones were people too.
Oh and as for your look you wear an armour you made yourself. Badass you break rules eh?

Your a  and Allie to the republic (like fives scenario they're best friends in this the girl not fives) but unlike your best friend who breaks rules you like to follow rules.

Your just a simple mechanic who fix pretty much everything you see. Because your that good. You're passionate to work with others and your a good fighter too.

Your a commander of the republic and most respected at that matter, you never broke rules, always put your life for others.


Your a mechanic who fix's ships for a living. You wear overalls to work because you thinks it looks fit. And you have a sassy attitude.

One of the most kindest nurses in kamino.

Your a soulder fighting along side the clones and most respected.
Your just another version of five. Also your a joker.


A kind nurse who like to help everyone.
Sames as Cody's s scenario

Same as Rex's but not force sensitive

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