Madam Pomfrey pushed us aside as she looked over Harry, taking his temperature and leave several squares of chocolate on the side.
"Everyone out these people need to rest, out." She said pointing at the door.

Hadleigh and Hermione left to whisper about something, going down the stairs of the bell tower. With a shrug, I went to the choir room where my guitar now lived – it was empty this time of day as the choir only practised after class on a Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Using a drying spell, Drizella curled up by the fire with her paws as a pillow.
Plucking the strings on my guitar, my fingers dancing over the strings in muscle memory. The songs I knew were mostly 70s and 80s rock because that's all dad had in his collection – maybe it was time to branch out a little.
Using my wand, I levitated the sheet music around the room – flicking through I finished with learning S.O.S by ABBA. Can't get any classic than that.

"Why do you play?"
I looked up, Malfoy stood in the doorway with his arms crossed wearing black trousers, a black t-shirt and black shoes.
"Why do you wear only the colour black," I asked in return.
He walked in, sitting on one of the stools," I asked first."
"My dad played," I swallowed," He use to play in the back of the store when mum made the flavours and my uncle sold it. Not that he talks to us anymore, my uncle that is."
He nodded," What store?"
"Fortescue's Ice-Cream Parlour." I shrugged.
His face faltered," Your family owns that?"
"Mum's family does, Neville and I are set to inherit it when our uncle dies because he didn't have any kids – his wife died in the war. Death Eater raid or something." I coughed," So my question."
Malfoy groaned," It's easy to deal with."
"That is so much simpler than my answer."
He smirked, "Yours means something, mine is just laziness."
I nodded in agreement.
"See you still wear the gift."
I looked down to my ankle," Why wouldn't I, a friend brought it for me which means it stays with me -like any gift."
"Good, cause here's another."
From his top pocket, he pulled out a box, wrapped in green paper and tied with black ribbon.
Putting my guitar back on the stand, I carefully opened the box  - inside was a glass figure of a welsh green dragon.  The small creature moved around on its Chrystal rock, it's tail wrapped around the base as it stood proudly; sometimes it would fly around then go back to the crystal rock it was paired with.
"It's gorgeous."
His face pulled up slightly in a smile," your name is Welsh so I assumed you were too."
I nodded," I want to go back one day – maybe a cottage in the middle of nowhere."
"Sounds nice."
I smiled," Where do you see yourself?"
"Alive, preferable."
"That's not what I meant."
He shrugged," Never thought about, what do you think?"
"Maybe a distillery or something that has a lot of focus." I shrugged.

Malfoy played a gentle melody as the dragon flew around us, catching the sun every so often – leaving green shadows on the ground. Saturdays at Hogwarts always had a simplicity to them; either staying in

"There you are!"

We looked up to see Hadleigh panting at the top of the stairs.

"Hadleigh?" I questioned," What's up?"
She sighed dramatically," We've been looking all over for you – "
"Malfoy." She gave a tight smile, but a knowing one to me.
Rolling my eyes at the two of them, I sat up whistling for Drizella and collected my things. Beaming at Malfoy as I left the room – following Hadleigh down the stairs to the Great Hall; the dragon safe in my pocket and in the box

In the place we normally sat, was a small yellow cake and a box next to it wrapped in blue with a silver ribbon.
"Happy Birthday Cel!" Padma yelled.

Sitting next to my brother at the end of the Ravenclaw table, I looked at my friends with a smile. For three years they have all come together to do something for my birthday – I'd like to think they know I don't like a big celebration after the stunt Robb pulled last year.
I wrapped my arms around my brother as I opened the box – inside was the potions textbook from last year, I turned it around in my hand. As I opened it – the pages had been folded in different places.
"Have you guys become book murderers?" I asked in fright," Cause if so –"
Padma pushed my shoulder with a laugh," Just open it numb-nuts."
"Plus, if we harmed a book – I wouldn't have condoned this." Hermione shuddered at the thought of harming a book.

Opening the pages up, the folded pages created the Ravenclaw crest then the other half was the Gryffindor crest. Each page had been scored and folded giving it accurate and sharp corners, the place where there was a space had been carved out so if you unfolded each page it would spell out Ravendor throughout the book.
It was a combination of not only my friendships in both of the houses but with my brother too. I don't know what I would do without them.
Professor Lupin gave a slight smile as he walked up to the top table then through one of the doors then went down to the treasury.
"I love you guys!" I smiled at them pulling them all together for a hug.

Ron sat down on the bench with a sigh," What do you think will happen to the team now Harry lost his broom?"
"Uses a school one like the rest of us?" I spoke from the middle of the hug like it was obvious.
Ron's shoulder's collapse," We are gonna lose the cup this year."
Breaking away from the hug, I smirked at him," Too loose something means you had to have it, to begin with."
Ron put his hand over his heart," Low blow Cel."
I messed up his hair with a sisterly smile," Get used to it."
"I know I haven't." Neville joked," Love you Cel."
"Love you too Nev."

Using the Severing Charm – I cut the little cake into seven pieces to accommodate for the close friends around me. Leaving an extra square for Harry in the Hospital Wing that Dobby came to take to him because Dobby has an unhealthy obsession with him.

We sat and talked around the table – trading Hogwarts stories about how amazing our new professor was and how moody Professor Snape has been since Remus Lupin started. Using a stick from the cold fire, we played fetch with Drizella to keep her occupied, she bounded up and down between the table – her tongue out and her tail wagging from side to side.
Being the only students here, we helped Flitwick levitate the pumpkins into the air for the Halloween feast.
The candle flickering inside burning bright warding off evil spirits and representing supernatural beings. I guess we come under that category in muggle folk law.
Professor Flitwick soon ushered us out as the elves brought everything in from the kitchen. Taking a seat on the empty fountain in the quad, we continue to laugh and have a good time, even with the Goosebumps on our arms. Drizella had her head on my lap – in seconds she acted like a meerkat, her head moved from side to side as she became on high alert. Thinking it was just a stray cat, I scratched the back of her ears; which made her calm down slighting.

Turning my head in laughter, my smile faded slightly. In the corner of the quad – with its head tilted was a black dog, similar to the sectoral dog that represented the Grimm.

Red Lion  [2] // Harry Potter// Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now