"I know i'm sorry, i'm just busy with work that i even forget to see my kids. What i'm i going to do now."

"All you have to do is come here and see her, she need her father Lucas not me."

"I'm sorry Elle i can't come today, i'm having dinner with Kate parents. I need them to sign some papers for me it very important."

"Oh Lucas, is that paper important than your daughter. I think that bitch and her parents has cast a spell on you, you are no more the Lucas i know. All you now think about is your wife's parents."

"Is not that Elle, please don't think that way about me, my hands are tight right now please. I'm sorry Elle."

"Lucas, why are you doing this to the kids. You've change since you got married to the bitch. I don't care, if you like don't come, my kids and i are going to be fine. We don't need you anymore bye. Then i hang up the call, foolish man."


God what i'm i going to do now, i sat down quietly don't know what to do. My daughter need me now, it been a month i have not set my eyes on them. I cover myself with lot of work that i even forget to go visit them as i promise, but i promise Kate parents i will come over with Kate to sign the joint company papers.

The marriage help us to join our companies together, so we have to sign it today. I sat there thinking what to do when my phone rings, i did not even check the ID before i pick it.

"Hello Lucas speaking."

"Hi babe, it me."

"Kate! sorry."

"It ok babe, i was just checking on you, is everything alright there."

"Yeah everything is fine here, so what time are we going to see your parents this evening."

"Oh, Mom said dinner will be ready at 7pm, so we have to get there before 7pm."

"Oh ok , i will come home around 6pm is that ok with you."

"It fine babe, i will be waiting for you bye."


I end the call and check the time it 4pm, i have two more hours to finished this paper work. And i have to call my lawyer Frank to come with me, he has to bring the papers for signing.


Two hours later i check the time and is almost 6pm, i picked my phone to call Frank.

"Hello Frank."

"Hello sir Lucas, the papers are ready."

"Thanks Frank, meet me at home, then we will go from there."

"Okay sir, i'm on my way there bye."

"I finished everything fast at the office and drove home fast, when i got home, i saw Frank car parked there. Good he is on time."

I walk inside, nice to see you Frank, i hope they've give you some snack.

"Yes sir."

"Okay i will be right back  ok, i quickly walk upstairs Kate was almost ready. Hi i said and went to shower."

30 minute later we where all done, i drove to Kate parents house. I gifted them that house for given me their daughter hand in marriage. We got down, and went to the main house, later dinner was serve nice.

1 hour later, we all settle down to sign the papers.

Frank please bring the papers i asked him.

"Here is it sir."

I gave one paper to Mr Jackson.

"Where can i sign the papers lawyer, Mr Jackson asked Frank."

"Right here sir."

"Mr Jackson was about to sign when i stop him, please go over it before you sign it."

"I trust you Lucas, you can never steal from me son."

"Than please sign it."

"I took the paper from him and sign it too."

"Okay we are all done here, we will like to take our leave now i said."

"Thanks so much for coming Lucas, Mr Jackson said."

"Thanks for having me here and Mrs Jackson your food is wonderful."

"Thanks Lucas you are welcome to come here anytime."

"Bye then, bye Mom and Dad, Kate said."

45 minute later Kate and i got home, Kate get down and stood there waiting for me to get down. I'm sorry wife my kids need me more done you, i said it in my mind."

"Are you not getting down from the car she asked me."

"I'm sorry Kate i'm going to see my kids, i miss them so much."

"It late, why don't you go there tomorrow morning, even tomorrow is weekend you will get more time to play with them."

"Thanks for your concern but nothing is going to stop me from seeing them today Kate. And I'm not coming till Monday so don't wait for me ok."

"I see you have already made up your mind already but why didn't you tell me before."

"When it comes to my kids no one decides for me, they are my kids. So see you on Monday bye, then i speed out of the mansion. My babies Daddy is coming i miss you two so much."

The Stripper's InseminationOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora