What is SEX?

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Sex is the distinguishing peculiarity of male or female in human, animals and plants I.e the physical and biological difference between male and female. Basically  gender.

   Sex (sexual intercourse /lovemaking) is the sexual activity typically involving the insertion and thrusting of the penis into the vagina for sexual pleasure, reproduction and closeness to the partner in a special way with special feelings.

        This activity is legal and accepted between people who are married but as the world is now[it happens with anybody]so it is advised  that having safe sex is the best.Safe sex  is the use of  measures like condom during sexual intercourse to avoid transmission of diseases and unwanted pregnancies.

      Before  engaging in any sexual activity that isn't forced there must be something called sexual desires. It's  is as important as the main intercourse itself.

   Sexual desires are the attractiveness to the opposite sex and in cases of people nowadays;attraction to people of same sex.
    Sexual desires can be channeled to anyone.
            It is also the drive or hunger to engage in sexual activities with a particular person at a given time as it can actually change from time to time according to one's psychological state.
   Sexual desire is mostly associated with sex hormones and testosterone( hormone produced solely by testes).
     It comes as a very strong need in the human body and wants satisfaction urgently.
      Sexual desires also varies between man and woman.The [libido status] of a person determines the level of sexual desire that can arouse in the person,its either high or low.

      Due to the excessive increase in sexual desires and the want for gratification,that most people definitely by all means satisfy;sexual addiction is most times liable to come into play in a person's life.So the question is:


       We'll find out about that in the next chapter.
Thanks for checking out this book and I hope we take the ride together whilst learning and teaching others.
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I know most of the things I wrote down are not new to us but if this is the smallest way to reach out to a lot of people about the basic idea of sexual intercourse (the act of copulation of man and woman)and other aspects of lovemaking that affects and help  our sexual life and status then it's ok.

      I know the 1st chapter is very small but I pray and hope that the next would be bigger, longer and better.
Please I'll be glad if you can hold back and be patient with me to do more. Thanks again...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2023 ⏰

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