Chapter 7

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Hoseok was ashamed.


Of what?


His friends were fighting to save him. And not only that, but Yoongi, who had been in the same situation as him, had immediately joined to help, while he was stuck there, frozen.


Hoseok looks at the ground, gritting his teeth, trying to will his limbs into moving. It's not working. Hoseok growls with frustrations as he gives himself all the reasons he should completely obliterate the other Hoseok.

Come on, Hoseok, he thinks, Come on! This is your brain! You are letting your friends do everything for you, and you are doing nothing to help! Selfish bastard. GET UP! GET UP GET UP GET UP! Get up and FIGHT.

"I'm trying," he mumbles. "But I can't! My body's not moving!" Hoseok closes his eyes, trying to think of something else to get him up. But his mind remains blank. Until he finds his motivator.


Hoseok, this evil guy thinks he can get into your brain and control you so easily! He thinks he can imprison you with no consequences. He thinks that he can HURT. YOUR. FRIENDS. and you will not retaliate.

Hoseok watches as the evil version of him swings his knife at Jimin, kicking an incoming Namjoon in the chest. He watches as Namjoon struggles to get up, pain and fatigue too great. He watches as the other Hoseok brings his foot up to Taehyung's head and shoves him down. But the final straw is when he sees him grab an attacking Yoongi and he starts slicing into Yoongi's skin.

"Oh, you've come back, huh! Good for you to recognize that that wimp is not deserving of you!" evil Hoseok said with a smile. Yoongi grit his teeth and attempted to punch Hoseok in the gut. The enemy swiftly dodged and kicked Yoongi in the abdomen. Hard. Yoongi fell, clutching his stomach in pain, blood from his cut wounds running down his fingers. Hoseok's fists ball at his sides.

He thinks you're weak, Hoseok. Prove him wrong.

Hoseok reaches his hand out and grabs the handle of the object that materialized beside him.

Meanwhile, the other members were fighting the villain. And badly losing. All the members had cuts on their skin, bruises from the kicks, weary from the fight. When they pause to take a breather, the enemy would catch them off guard and add a new injury to the list. The members knew they wouldn't be able to hold off for much longer.

Hoseok looks over the members and grins wickedly. "How noble! You all fight to save your friend, and yet, all you did was delay me just the slightest! The six of you expected quantity to win over quality, but that is not the case. I will always be better than you, and I will always win. Your friend's mind and body will be mine, and you are too weak to stop me."

The villain gestures to the nearly unconscious Jungkook. "Look! See your best fighter, mortally wounded and sitting there, helpless! He didn't even fight 'till the end," Hoseok moves his head from side to side, tutting loudly. "He must not care about your friend as much as you expected."

"Jungkook, stay right where you are!" Yoongi yells, seeing Jungkook attempt to get up at Hoseok's words. "There's nothing wrong with sitting to the side when you can't fight any more. It's better than dying like a fool in battle."

"Go ahead," Hoseok said, leering towards Yoongi. "Fill his head with those lies of yours. Make him believe what he's doing is right. But it's not! And I thought you, of all people, would want to fight to the death! I thought you cared for Hoseok the most! After all, you did jump after him! But I guess you were wrong. Not only are you not willing to risk yourself for your dear friend, but you also abandoned him! He's still down there, and you came up here! Tell me, darling, are you only fighting me to make your members believe that you care? Was the only reason you pushed everyone forward to become the hero? Get more recognition? It backfired! You are no match for me! And what would poor, old Hoseokie say when he finds out that NONE OF YOU care for him!" Hoseok cackles, face twisting into wicked joy.

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