The doctor

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Alex picked you up and took you to the car he sit beside you so Calvin could not. Calvin ended up driving though. Kouvr got in to and y'all left. once they got to the doctor Alex carried you in.

D: how can I help y'all
A: we think y/n has a sprained ankle
D: ok let's take her back and take a look.

Alex carried you back and went back to the waiting room.

30 minutes later

The doctor tell y'all that it is broke. So now your stuck in a boot for 8 weeks.

Y/n: this is just great. Thanks Alex
A: sis im so sorry I just got really mad. Calvin and y/n is it's true love then I can't stop that. Calvin just take care of my sister. If you don't it will be 1 million times worse then it was today.

They release you and you can go home. Once y'all get home you and Calvin go to your room. You fall a sleep on calvin.

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